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Old 12/23/14, 06:55 AM   #1
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Default Power Rangers YouTube Debate

I came across this debate going on over on a youtube channel.

I wanted to see what everyone else had to say on it.

Originally Posted by Person A
I stopped watching regularly after In Space. Seen a few episodes of Dino Thunder and this episode but that's about it after the Death of Zordon anything following it doesn't make any sense anyway. Also I started realizing how bad the special effects were around that time. And it's weird that they haven't been updated much considering we have the technology to make the show look a lot better than it does.
Originally Posted by Person B
don't know how you can say anything following Space doesn't make any sense since it's all the same type of Power Rangers anyway. In the case of effects that's usually how Toei saves money and Power Rangers usually does the same thing.
Originally Posted by Person A
It doesn't make sense because at the end of In Space Zordon was killed which caused all the Power Rangers to lose their powers and all of the monsters either turned human or were completely destroyed. Technically speaking anything after In Space shouldn't even be possible. Power Ranger did a fairly decent job of keeping a good story line going until In Space ended making it near impossible to ever do another series and they did one anyway... but never explained how the Rangers or the monsters could still exist after being destroyed.
Originally Posted by Person B
of course it makes sense. Zordon never said his wave would destroy every single villain ever since that just isn't possible. Also the Space powers were never said to be destroyed the Rangers just assumed that based on seeing the Dark Fortress landing. A lot of the following villains couldn't be hit by the Z-Wave for numerous reasons (they were in a galaxy out-of-reach of the wave like Scorpius, they were still sealed meaning they weren't a threat at the time like the demons or the Orgs or they weren't born yet like is the case with Ransik and Mesogog.
Originally Posted by Person A
He never said that wasn't possible either. It's a totally fictional phenomenon we don't actually know what is or isn't possible unless the writers bother to explain it. (which as far as I know they never did.) Zordon sacrificed his life to end all the evil in the universe so it would seem that yes he did say it would destroy every single villain ever since that was the whole point of him dying. Well not destroy everyone, some of them simply turned human... though they never explained why certain characters became human and others just disintegrated into dust. I think maybe it's because some monsters were created (Like Finsters monsters or the Robot empire) while others were altered humans (such as Andros' sister being turned evil) so the ones that were altered just reverted back to human form while everyone else who had no previous life were destroyed.

Also they didn't have to say anything about the Rangers powers being destroyed. They showed it. The same Z-Wave as you called it which destroyed/turned the villains human also powered down all the rangers... except for Phantom Ranger and it still bothers me we never got to see who he was. The American series adapted him into the 6th Turbo Ranger but he wasn't really meant to be that which is probably why the wave didn't effect him like it did all the other Rangers. He's the only one at that time that was never intended to be a Power Ranger.

I know there are others like the Phantom Ranger in later series but they didn't exist yet so for the time he was the only one. In fact the series that followed in Space have one like him. Magna Defender wasn't one of the Super Sentai but Power Rangers adapted him into the 6th Galaxy Ranger. I also know a lot of people debate weather these guys can even be called 6th Rangers. I have a very easy answer for that. If you're talking about the Super Sentai then no. If you're talking about Power Rangers then yes. Power Rangers may have been adapted from Super Sentai but the story line is completely different. It does not matter that they weren't rangers in Japan, they are in America.
Originally Posted by Person B
true but all he truly said was that his wave would destroy "the forces of evil" which is a vague term that can mean anything. Yes his energy wave did power down the Space Rangers but that doesn't necessary mean he took away their powers since he would have had no need to. He would know as well as anyone that evil would come back at some point. I agree with you in regards to the whole 6th Ranger aspect. Sentai has their own designation for 6th Rangers and Bangai Heroes/Extra Warriors but we should not be basing that on what Power Rangers designates as their own 6th Rangers and Extra Warriors especially since Phantom Ranger wasn't the same type of character in both series even though he was a Sentai character he just didn't have much importance in Carranger. Power Rangers decided to give him more of an importance.
Originally Posted by Person A
You say that as if he had a choice in the matter. The Rangers were powered down, that's all their is to it. Weather he had a reason to or not is irrelevant. The Power Rangers can't exist without him.

As I already mentioned the Super Sentai had an entirely different plot line. Zordon didn't even exist. He was an invention of the American series. I don't even know what the Super Sentai did at the end of Megaranger (I believe that's what In Space was adapted from) that caused all that to happen so maybe the fact that they still exist after that makes sense in Japan but for Power Rangers anything after In Space couldn't have happened.

Even ignoring that, there have been several instances of the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers guest starting in later series. The whole reason they got their Zeo powers was because they couldn't use their original powers anymore. The White Ranger was also created because Tommy could not use his Green Ranger powers anymore. Rita took that power away from him so how was he able to use it in this episode? Unless Rita being good now returned those powers to him at some point. The Space Rangers also only existed because they couldn't access their Turbo powers anymore. Almost every new set of Ranger powers were created because they lost their previous abilities... except for Turbo since they never actually lost their Zeo powers. A lot of people hate Turbo for exactly that reason. There was nothing wrong with their Zeo powers so why did they need to go Turbo?

Real world answer... they were getting lazy. Mighty Morphin was actually adapted from three different Super Sentai but they never changed costumes, just Zords. Zeo really started because they were running out of stock footage. And from that point on they just went along with the Super Sentai so they wouldn't run into the problem with the stock footage again. They could of at least had them loose their Zeo powers though instead of here have some new morphers for no particular reason. Though it is better to get new powers for no real reason that to use old powers for no real reason. You don't really need to explain why the new powers are necessary, just say they're more powerful and you're done. But you do need to explain how characters are suddenly able to use powers they lost several years ago. When the heck did that ever get repaired? How long have they been able to do that? Why don't they use the other powers that they've gained sense then rather than reverting back to their original? It doesn't really make sense why Tommy would go Green even if he could when he's stronger as White, or Red Zeo, of Black Dino Thunder. He wouldn't really have the Red Turbo powers anymore since he past that to T.J. so that's a good reason for him not to use it but seriously he has all these other powers and he uses the one that he's not even suppose to have access to anymore.
Originally Posted by Person B
he may have had a choice in the matter, he may not have but you can't say the Power Rangers CAN'T exist without him. The Power Coins would have existed without him because he had nothing to do with creating them. True a lot of previous powers were created because they had lost their powers except for Turbo and yes they were getting lazy and yes MMPR was adapted from 3 different Sentai series. I agree with you in the case of Tommy and his many powers since he would be more powerful with the White Ranger powers or even the Zeo powers for that matter.
Originally Posted by Person A
Well I can say that the Power Rangers can't exist without Zordon because as soon as he died they all powered down indicating that they had lost their powers. Not everything needs to be said. If you see it happen you can just come to that conclusion on your own. Maybe if the Rangers had done so on their own because they felt they didn't need them anymore it would be different but they seemed surprised by the sudden power down as if they had no control over it indicating that it was Zordon's death which caused it. Actions speak louder than words some times and the actions of that scene indicate that the Power Rangers can't exist without Zordon. It should of ended there or they should of figured out a way to at least explain the new rangers in Lost Galaxy. They never explained anything so I can only assume that any series after In Space could not happen.
Originally Posted by Person B
that was just the wave demorphing them not an act of him stripping their powers. Things that happen following Space can still happen. I've already explained why. Zordon DOES NOT need to exist for there to be Power Rangers. He may have had something to do with forming the first team on Earth as we all know but the Power Coins were actually created by Ninjor. Phantom Ranger however was likely created by Zordon and as you can clearly see he dld not demorph. He had no ties to Trey's powers but he also did not dwmorph either. Why? Because Zordon doesn't need to exist for Power Rangers to exist. The Alien Rangers existed without the need of Zordon's assistance. Why? Because they didn't need him. As you can clearly see plenty of evidence to indicate that Zordon's death does not equal the death of every single Power Ranger ever in the history of man kind.
Originally Posted by Person A
Why does it matter who created them? Their powers were directly tied to Zordon, that's why they powered down when he was killed. The Alien Rangers may not of been formed by Zordon but they still knew about him as every Ranger seems to know of him. Even Andros, started searching for him despite the fact that he seemed to have no personal connection to Zordon. There are Rangers all across the universe and they all had a tie to Zordon even if they had never directly met. Zordon worked with several people to create their powers including Ninjor. Ninjor may of created the power coins but the power was connected to Zordon. Think about it, every time the Command Center was destroyed, injuring Zordon the Power Rangers lost their powers until new powers could found and/or the command center could be repaired. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that Zordon is connected to every single Power Ranger. They loose their powers just because he is injured so why wouldn't it stand to reason that his death would make them completely useless?
Originally Posted by Person B
because you're claiming their powers were tied to Zordon and that's only true if he created their powers. Also you're wrong, big time wrong. Zordon was not injured in any way, shape or form when the Thunderzords were destroyed. The Command Center was damaged but he was not. You're operating on a false belief that Zordon was actually physically inside the tube at that point in time.
Originally Posted by Person A
Creating them and being tied to them are two different things. He doesn't need to be the creator to be the source of their powers. Electricity didn't create the light bulb but that doesn't stop a light bulb from going out when there's no electricity.

If the Command Center is damaged then so is Zordon. You can't have one without the other. The equipment in the command center is basically like a life support system for Zordon. He can be kept alive by just the tube itself but is very weak without the command center.

And his being physically inside the tube or not is totally irrelevant. Actually come to think of it they were never really very consistent or clear with exactly what that tube was or where Zordon actually existed. Depending on what episode you watch Zordon is either an alien from another planet or from a totally different dimension. They went back and fourth between that tube just being a line of communication to where ever Zordon is actually located to Zordon actually physically being kept alive inside of it. They did say that destroying the tube would kill Zordon. He is in fact dead. He would have to be physically inside the tube in order for that to work. If Zordon isn't actually in there then he could still be alive some were.
Originally Posted by Person B
shows how much you've paid attention to the series since as I said Zordon is NOT in the tube in the Command Center or the Power Chamber so it makes no difference what happens to them.
Also you still haven't explained why the Space Rangers were demorphed but the other Rangers weren't. If Zordon was stripping powers then he'd be stripping all of the Ranger powers and not just going halfway.
Originally Posted by Person A
The only one who wasn't powered down was the Phantom Ranger and I already said that's most likely due to the use of Stock Footage and the fact that he was never intended to be a Power Ranger. Also you didn't answer my question. How could destroying the tube kill him if he was never inside it? If what you're saying is true than Zordon never died. He's still alive some where. Technically speaking if he's not inside the tube then he was never even captured because all they had was his tube. Where was Zordon then? If the Command Center has nothing to do with Zordon being injured why does he always react when it gets destroyed as if he's being physically hurt?
Originally Posted by Person B
can't use the stock footage excuse for that since all of the Countdown to Destruction army stuff was original. Also Trey wasn't demorphed either. It's very simple, I said he was never in the tube IN the Command Center or Power Chamber. That was just a communication channel. Lerigot freed him from his time warp in the beginning of Turbo which allowed him the ability to appear physically in the real world after that. Maybe you took it as him being injured whenever it is damaged or destroyed but it's not the case since even he said during the time the evil Green Ranger wrecked the Command Center that it was just a communication channel.
Originally Posted by Person A
You missed my point though. I know they said it was only a communication channel but Zordon still reacted as if he was being physically hurt. Besides that, if he was able to exist physically after Turbo then why is it he still only appeared as a floating head inside a giant tube. Shouldn't he have... you know... actually had a body at that point?

I don't remember Trey still being Morphed. The only character I remember still in uniform was Phantom Ranger. Also that wasn't all original footage. Any shot with American actors or characters was. This includes the rangers out of uniform, Zordon, and Lord Zedd. Everything else was stock footage. If Trey was there in uniform, it may be because the actor who played that character wasn't available to be in that episode or possibly just because he was in the same shot as the Phantom Ranger which used stock footage.
Originally Posted by Person B
That's a good question with Zordon reacting in regards to being in pain but it could be a case of the channel being linked to the Morphin' Grid which he was connected to. Also in the case of his appearance it could be a case he no longer had a body but when he returned for the 1 ep in Turbo it was just him as a head with no tube. Yes it was all original footage in Countdown to Destruction, only stock footage we saw was from the Machine Skybase, Quadrafighters, Cogs materializing from the Skybase and the Dark Fortress. All of the villains in that episode had been in original footage otherwise. The morphed Rangers were also in original footage as well. Even the Mega Show itself had original footage.
Phantom Ranger wasn't in stock footage that was all original. Phantom was from Carranger but they didn't even use a whole lot of his footage from there to begin with during Turbo most of it was original it's a lot like how they did Ninjor back in Season 3. Ninjor's ground battles were all original but most of the Giant battles (all except for against Goldar) were stock footage.
Originally Posted by Person A
You realize you just proved my point right? "it could be a case of the channel being linked to the Morphin' Grid which he was connected to" You kept saying that Zordon had no connection to the Rangers loosing their powers but now you're admitting that he was connected to the Morphin Grid which would of been destroyed along with him making it impossible for any future rangers to ever exist.
In regards to the Stock Footage. The American actors were rarely ever actually in uniform. Most of the scenes where they were in costume they either had their helmets off or were inside of the command center which didn't exist in the Super Sentai. Whenever they're in full uniform outside of the command center, it's stock footage. Except maybe for season 2 because the main five Rangers and the White Ranger are actually from two different series so any scene of them together would have to be original as well. Like wise any shot of the Phantom Ranger with American actors or on American sets would be original but everything else is stock.
The shot of the Phantom Ranger after Zordon is killed can easily be stock footage because nothing else is in that shot that would require them to shoot an original scene. It also goes by so quick why would they bother filming it when they can just edit in a shot of him from Carrangers? They never shoot anything original unless they have to otherwise they're going to use stock footage.

"Even the Mega Show itself had original footage." This doesn't actually make any sense. Everything in Super Sentai is original footage. Power Rangers is the only one using stock footage. Well actually I take that back since the use of morphing sequences and summoning Mechas would still be stock footage even though they created it because it gets reused in every episode. However the original show would have a lot more original footage sense they're the ones who originally created it. Whatever battles took place in the Super Sentai are all original footage. There isn't really any original footage in Power Rangers because all the fighting in full uniform is done by their Super Sentai counterparts. They pretty much just stand around and take all the credit.
Originally Posted by Person B
nope just because Zordon was destroyed means nothing in regards to the Morphin' Grid because it's an universal energy grid that does not depend on just him. and when I say ORIGINAL footage I'm not referring to the STOCK footage. I'm referring to the NEW footage that Power Rangers shoots so perhaps that's bad wording on my part...for whatever reason I kept on getting caught in the trap of referring to new footage as original footage as well even though it wasn't what I intended to actually mean. Also just because scenes are so quick does not mean it is or isn't Sentai footage. Like I said or attempted to say but poorly worded it everything in Countdown to Destruction is new footage except for Sentai stock shots (Dark Fortress, Cogs, Quadrafighters.) How much Sentai have you actually seen anyway? Also I meant to say "even the Mega Winger had new footage." Also you just proved my point that you have NO CLUE WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT EITHER. There is new footage in Power Rangers otherwise there'd be no instances of Ninjor fighting alongside the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. We would have never seen the Thunder Megazord and Tigerzord fighting Repellator and Rito since that did NOT happen in Sentai. We would have never saw the Psycho Rangers in Lost Galaxy. Zedd, Zedd's Putties, Tengas, Piranhatrons, Putrid Pods, Dark Specter and Quantrons also did not exist in Sentai so everything involving them was NEW as well.
Gasket and Archerina as you know are Sentai as is Sprocket but anything feature Gasket and Sprocket in the same scene together is new footage as well.
Also there are a bunch of monsters that don't exist in Sentai. Turkekyjerk, Grumble the Magic Elf, Snow Monster, Repellator, the Plague Patrol, and Incisorator just to name a few. None of those actually existed in Sentai. The whole battle between Thunder Megazord and Tigerzord (when Rita took control of Saba) also featured new footage. The whole thing with the zords (Astro Megazord, Delta Megazord, Mega Voyager and Mega Winger) trying to stop the asteroid that Dark Specter sent and eventually succeeding is also new footage. Anything that features Elgar during In Space is also new footage.
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Old 12/25/14, 10:29 AM   #2
Captain Codfish
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Default Re: Power Rangers YouTube Debate

C2d would have been a good point to end the series. But I don't think the series couldn't continue. Its pretty obvious that the wave did not destory or purify every villain. Also Zordon's powers aren't linked to every Ranger team. Since many Ranger teams have still been around. Also we see that the Space Rangers actually never lost their powers.
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Old 12/25/14, 11:03 AM   #3
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Default Re: Power Rangers YouTube Debate

Originally Posted by Captain Codfish View Post
C2d would have been a good point to end the series. But I don't think the she couldn't continue. Its pretty obvious that the wave did not destory or purify every villain. Also Zordon's powers aren't linked to every Ranger team. Since many Ranger teams have still been around. Also we see that the Space Rangers actually never lost their powers.
Yes it would have been a good way to end the series but I don't know who you're referring to when you say "she."

I agree that the wave didn't destroy or purify every villain.
I also agree that Zordon isn't linked to every Ranger team. He may have had a hand in creating the Astro Morphers and DigiMorpher but we really have no basis to make that assumption even though Zordon and Andros did know of one another and Zordon apparently knew of Karone as well so it's possible he was aware of Zhane as well.
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Old 12/25/14, 11:01 PM   #4
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Should havd been series not she. Fixed.
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Old 12/27/14, 11:09 PM   #5
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Default Re: Power Rangers YouTube Debate

ah I see... anyway I do agree that just because Zordon's wave destroyed the evil that doesn't mean it destroyed all of the evil. It was left vague for a reason all he simply said his energy would destroy the "forces of evil" yet it's a vague term that was stated in case Power Rangers was brought back with a new season and almost all villains can be excused away from escaping Zordon's energy wave.

Galaxy = Scorpius, Trakeena and Mutiny were all in another universe far from Zordon's wave.

Lightspeed = Demons were still sealed.
Time Force = Ransik wasn't born yet.
Wild Force = Orgs were still sealed.
Ninja Storm = Lothor likely wasn't a truly evil person... yet.
Dino Thunder = Mesogog hadn't been created by Mercer... yet.
SPD = Gruumm likely wasn't around... yet.
Mystic Force = They were still sealed.
Overdrive = Flurious and Moltor were still sealed.
Jungle Fury = Dai-Shi and the others were still sealed.
RPM = In another dimension.
Samurai = The Nighlok were still sealed.
Megaforce =
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Old 12/28/14, 11:10 AM   #6
Outer Sailor
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Default Re: Power Rangers YouTube Debate

C2D was awesome! But I don't think Zordon destroyed every evil either. Like Matt said most of them were sealed away anyway. I do wish the other Rangers came back to help. They could have just used the suits and stunties.
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Old 12/28/14, 11:13 AM   #7
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Default Re: Power Rangers YouTube Debate

I didn't like how they treated Divatox. She should have had a bigger role. She should have been the main villain. Spector should have sent her back after the Rangers.
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Old 12/28/14, 11:17 AM   #8
Sentai Is Forever
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Default Re: Power Rangers YouTube Debate

I always thought the Space team should have been new Rangers. I do like the idea of past Rangers coming back. It would have been cool to see all those sentai teams again.
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Old 12/28/14, 12:50 PM   #9
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Default Re: Power Rangers YouTube Debate

Originally Posted by Outer Sailor View Post
C2D was awesome! But I don't think Zordon destroyed every evil either. Like Matt said most of them were sealed away anyway. I do wish the other Rangers came back to help. They could have just used the suits and stunties.
That it was and like I said I also don't believe he destroyed every evil either but I do agree with the other Rangers returning. They didn't need to have the original actors either since they didn't have the ones there for the Alien Rangers, the Gold Ranger or Phantom Ranger there anyway and the same goes for the Blue Senturion.
They could have also included Ninjor in there as well to show that they were able to re-establish a link to him.
I would also say to add Auric into that too but they probably couldn't even if they wanted to since they likely didn't have his suit.

Originally Posted by Turbo Guy View Post
I didn't like how they treated Divatox. She should have had a bigger role. She should have been the main villain. Spector should have sent her back after the Rangers.
while you have a minor point it was a new season which meant a new villain. Divatox should have felt more privilege to be the one responsible for keeping Zordon away from the Rangers anyway since that was a higher order.

Originally Posted by Sentai Is Forever View Post
I always thought the Space team should have been new Rangers. I do like the idea of past Rangers coming back. It would have been cool to see all those sentai teams again.
I personally thought it was a better idea with them using some of the Turbo cast since it made more sense with it considering they were chasing after Zordon. A new cast wouldn't have any reason to care about Zordon.
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Old 12/28/14, 08:51 PM   #10
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Space should have been the end of Power Rangers as we knew it. It wrapped up everything perfectly with all the villains being destoryed or purified. Also Zordon's story was finished.

Lost Galaxy should have been the beginning of a new story arch for several seasons. Although I am happy we got Time Force as its own story. Would have liked more seasons of that too though.
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