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Old 11/14/05, 11:03 PM   #1
Shadow Ranger
Posts: n/a

Hey, this is kind of an alternate version of season 2 which I think could have been a lot better. My first goal is to write at least 20 episodes… anyway, this season is going to contain tons of drama and action and a few future characters that will play parts you wont expect. Plus I decided on calling the dragon dagger, “The Dragon Flute”. I don’t why like that name…. Anyway, I present to you:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 2
Episode 1: The Shield

The 17 year old male, Jason Lee Scott speeded to the Angel grove parking lot. Great, he thought as he got off his new motor cycle. the first day of my senior year and I’m already late. Jason had dark black hair and was wearing a white t-shirt with red trimming along with a red hooded jacket and had black sweat pants. He turned down the hall and set a piece of paper on the front desk to why he was late. He noticed no one was at the front desk which was odd because some one as usually there. He ignored it and walked down the hall. His first class was him home room in Ms. Applebee’s English Class. He never liked school… it was the boring place he had to go to 5 days a week, but the only bright side was that he was going to college after this year in Angel Grove High. Once in class, he sat down next to his friends, Trini Kwan and Tommy Oliver. He noticed Ms. Applebee wasn’t in the room.

“Where’s our teacher today?” Jason asked. Tommy and Trini noticed Jason and started laughing. Jason arched in eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”. Tommy tapped his head making a thump. Jason sighed and took his helmet off.

“So… how was your summer?” Tommy asked still laughing. Tommy was 17 years old and Jason’s best friend. He was wearing a green t-shirt along with dark blue jeans.

“Glad you asked… I got my new motor cycle and it flies like Kimberly’s Pterodactyl zord” Jason said.

“I’m surprised you got it to run down the street” Trini laughed. Trini was 16 and was wearing a yellow t-shirt that said “Don’t read my shirt” and was wearing gray sweat pants.

“Anyway… Where is Ms. Applebee?” Jason asked wondering where their teacher was. Tommy shrugged.

“Haven’t seen her since August when we were in grade 11” Tommy said.

“Oh,” Jason said. “Well, If there’s no sub than Maybe we just wont have home room”

“That’s funny…. My parents weren’t home this morning” Trini said.

“Mine weren’t home to” Tommy said.

“Same here… It’s weird… A coincidence because Jeremy called earlier saying his parents weren’t home” Jason said.

“I wonder if it’s one of Rita’s tricks?” Trini asked.

Jason shrugged. He looked around where several students were talking, some sitting in their desks, some standing in front of the chalk board imitating their teacher… Jason put his communicator up to his mouth.

“Billy?” He whispered.

“Jase? Is that you?” Billy asked.

“Yeah… Is your teacher there?” Jason asked.

“Nope. Why do you ask?” Billy’s voice said.

“No reason,” Jason said. He turned to Trini and Tommy. “Something tells me that today has gone of to a very weird start”.

In her moon place, the wacky witch, Rita Repulsa was looking out of her telescope carefully observing the earth.

“My queen? What are you doing” The monkey looking creature covered with golden armor named Goldar asked as he walked over to Rita.

“I’ve done it! All the parents of Earth are under my control!” Rita’s screechy voice yelled out.

“What are you talking about?” Goldar asked.

“Silence Goldar! We’ve got some work to do! Finster!? Get to work… we have a long day ahead of us” Rita said.

“What do we do, my queen?” Sqaut asked as he waddled over with his friend Baboo .

“Shut your mouth!” Rita yelled and walked away with Goldar and Finster.

Back in Angel Grove High, Zack, Kimberly, and Billy were in a teacher less class room just like the other three rangers.

“This is a bit to weird” Kimberly Heart said who was wearing a pink t-shirt and blue jeans.

“I just know Rita’s up to something” Zack Taylor said. He was wearing a black tank top and dark brown baggy shorts.

“I’d say that we contact Zordon” Billy Cranston said, the 16 year old teen was wearing a blue striped t-shirt along with blue overalls and was rimless glasses. Billy was one of the smartest teens at Angel Grove High.

“Not right now… It’s a bit to public” Kimberly said. Zack and Billy nodded. After hours and hours, still no adults came and the other students except the six power rangers were out doing whatever they want. Jason, Trini, and Tommy met Billy, Kimberly, and Zack in their classroom.

“Today has been quite odd” Billy said.

“Seriously….. Its like just kids are on Earth” Trini said.

Jason tapped his communicator. “Zordon, do you read me? Ok…. Yeah… We’ll be there quick” Jason said as the 6 teleported to their base, the command center.

“Ai Yi! Yi!” Alpha 5 yelled as he pressed some controls. 6 tubes of light containing the colors of red, black, blue, yellow, pink, and green appeared and the six rangers stepped out of them.

“Zordon why is every single adult in Angel Grove missing?” Zack asked.

‘Zack, is not just adults in Angel Grove. Its adults all over the world in every single country” Their mentor, Zordon said. Zordon was a large blue heaed in a neon tube.

“Well, what’s causing all this?” Tommy asked.

“Rita must be containing all of them some where” Zordon said.

“Rangers! Look at the viewing globe!” Alpha yelled out and the six turned their attention to a large circular ball that’s showed an army of adults walking to something. All their eyes were red.
“Hey! That’s my parents! And Jeremy’s to!” Jason said as his cousin and his own parents continued walking.

“My parents to” Kimberly said.

“And mine” Billy said.

“And there’s Ernie!” Trini called out.

“But where are they-” Zack was interrupted by several bangs on the command center door.

“I think I know where they’re heading” Tommy said as the viewing globe showed the army banging on the doors of the Command Center.

“I don’t get it… What would Rita want with adults anyway?” Jason asked.

“I do not know Jason… I do not know” Zordon said. The rangers looked at the viewing glob where putties were now joining the brainwashed humans. The alarms suddenly rang in the ranger’s ears.

“Ai! Yi! Yi!” Alpha screamed as he switched the viewing globe to “city monitor”. On the screen Goldar was attacking.

“Rangers, Goldar is attacking” Zordon said.

“Leave that to me, Zordon” Jason said.

“Jase, your going to need help” Tommy said.

“Tommy, since your green ranger powers are weakening we cannot let you fight” Zordon said.

“But how are the others going to make it?” Tommy asked.

“They are, but if they need all the help they can get, I will send you into battle. For a bit of a boost, put your coin below my tube” Zordon said as Tommy puts the dragon power coin below Zordon’s neon tube. White streaks of lightning were inserted into the tube from Zordon. After Zordon finished, the coin was energized. Tommy picked it up.

“Thanks Zordon” Tommy said.

“Jason, be careful. My scanners since something different about Goldar today” Alpha 5 said.

“I will. Its Morphin Time!” Jason reached for his power coin.


Jason arrived in the city riding his tyranno battle bike.

“Ok Goldar! Get ready to be ancient history!” Jason said as he jumped off his battle bike.

“Was that supposed to be a joke?” Goldar asked.

“Yep, but nothings going to be more funnier than this! Blade Blaster!” Jason pulled out his blasted and suddenly got slashed by another sword. Jason fell back and saw Scorpina starring down at him.

“Scorpina! You son… or daughter of a-” His sentence was cut short by a blast by Goldar. Scorpina jumped to Goldar’s side. The two raised their swords.

“Get up and fight!!!” Scorpina yelled. Jason jumped up and fired his blade blaster. The two evil warriors simply deflected them with their sabers. Jason converted his blaster to blade mode and flipped forward and slashed the warriors. Goldar and Scorpina blocked the slashes and shot golden colored lightning at Jason. Jason quickly got up again and did two kicks, each blocked by armor. Jaosn than punched Goldar in the jaw and drop kicked Scorpina. Goldar went for a slash, which Jaosn dodged and blasted Goldar with his blade blaster. Scorpina struck Jason with he scorpion tail and Jason fell back. He slowly got up and raised his arm to the air.

“Power Sword!” He yelled as a large red handled saber with a shiny silver blade appeared in Jason’s hand. He slashed Scorpina and Goldar. Goldar backhanded Jason and Jason hit the ground with a large THUD! Cracking the concrete. Jason slashed Goldar up the leg with his power sword and kicked Scorpina in the chest.

“Face it! This is over!” Jason yelled.

“Agreed” Goldar said as the city streets turned into Rita’s palace and now only Goldar and Jason stood, Jason unmorphed.

“How did we get here?” Jason asked.

‘Simple…” Goldar said as he raised his sword. “We were teleported here by my queen,” Goldar picked Jaosn up by his throat. “If you recall, I believe we battled it out here before,”. Goldar punched Jason twice. “I guess we have to see if you make it out alive this time”. Goldar threw Jason at a window and Jason fell to the ground. He reached for his power morpher.

“Nice try….” Goldar said as he shot a golden beam at the red ranger, who quickly dodged it. “Your power coin is somewhere in the room and if you find it while your battling me, I let you free. If not, you’ll die and slow and painful death”

“I battled you last year and made it alive so I am having some confidence” Jason said as he made a fighting stance.

“Ai Yi Yi! We have lost radar of Jason.

“Where could he be?” Kim asked as she heard a loud banging.

Zack and Billy looked at the viewing globe where it showed more than 1,000,000 adults trying to get inside.

“What a phenomenon” Billy said as he saw parents all over the world, including his own.

“This is bad” Zack said.

“Rangers, breaking Rita’s spell will take a powerful source, once that we cannot let you sacrifice” Zordon said.

“You don’t mean out ranger powers,” Trini began. “Do you?”.

“I’ll us e my dragon coin” Tommy said.

“Tommy, we cannot allow that” Zordon said.

“You said I could only stay morphed for so long… let me do it” Tommy said.

“I will not… In the meantime lets try to look for Jason. Trini and Zack will look n the part of the city that Jason was battling Goldar and Scorpina. Billy and Kimberly, I’m putting you on guard duty, try to draw all the parents and grand parents away from the command center” Zordon said.

“Right,” Kim began as the rangers took out their morphers. “It’s Morphin Time!”.





Zack and Trini arrived in the city.

“Keep your eyes peeled Trini” Zack said as the two looked around, blade blasters drawn from their holsters.

“Right!” Trini replied as the two looked around.

“It’s pretty empty around here without any adults” Zack said.

Meanwhile, Billy and Kimberly were behind the large crowds of adults.

“How are we going to do this?’ Kimberly asked.

“All we can do is talk some sense into them,” Billy responded as eh saw his dad and ran toward him. “Dad! Its me Billy! Your under a spell! Try to listen!”. Billy’s dad grabbed Billy’s arm and flipped him over. Billy’s dad side kicked Billy which sent him flying into Kimberly. The adults turned their attention to the rangers.

“I thought you were a genius” Kimberly said as the two stepped back.

“Zordon wanted us to bring them away from the command center so I’d say were doing a great job,“ Billy said as the crowd began running toward the two rangers. “Tricera battle bike!”. Billy’s battle bike appeared as Billy jumped on it as Kimberly jumped into the side cart. The crowd chased after the battle bike.

Meanwhile, Trini and Zack looked around some more.

“Hm… should we keep searching?” Trini asked.

“How about someone to keep you company” A screechy voice yelled as Rita Repulsa, her self appeared in front of the two rangers. Zack and Trini suddenly were more cautious, knowing Rita could kill them with one swipe.

“What do you want Rita!” Trini yelled.

“And where’s Jason!” Zack also yelled.

“You shouldn’t worry about your red ranger just yet,” Rita said as he staff charged up. “You should just worry about a new force that’s coming my way”.

“What would that be?’ Zack asked as he pointed his blade blaster and aimed the first shot at Rita’s head.

“A human shield” Rita smirked.

“What does that mean?” Trini asked.

“It doesn’t matter, lets finish Rita once and for all” Zack said as Trini and Him fired their blasters. Once both of them hit Rita, sparks suddenly flew out of the rangers suits as the fell back.

“You actually thought you could beat me that easily?” Rita asked as she twirled her staff.

“Power Cannon!” Zack yelled as he pulled put his power axe is turned to cannon mode. He shot five lasers at Rita, but the were absorbed by the staff.

“Thanks for the extra energy black ranger” Rita said as she threw it at Zack. It stuck into Zack’s stomach and he began getting electrocuted.

“Zack!” Trini yelled as she pulled out her power daggers.

Zack kept getting electrocuted until he demoprhed and the staff flew into Rita’s hand. Zack’s clothes were now burnt and blood stained.

“Your next yellow ranger!” Rita yelled as she pointed her staff at Trini and swung it. Trini jumped out of the way just in time. Rita swung again, but Trini blocked it with her daggers. Rita put pressure on her staff causing Trini to drop her weapons. Rita slashed Trini and Trini fell back with a rip in her suit and blood dripping out of it.

“I expected you rangers to be harder than this” Rita said as she twirled her staff, charging it up.

Jason fell into the deep fog as Goldar kicked him in the chest.

“Your worthless without your powers” Goldar said as he held ht sword near Jason’s throat.

“That may be true, but I’m not giving up” Jason said.

“Your courage and lack of fighting will be your down fall” Goldar said. Jason rolled out of the way and spun kicked Goldar in the chest.

“I’m not giving up just yet” Jaosn said as he back flipped away into the fog.

“Get back here!” Goldar shouted running toward Jason.

The army of adults followed Billy’s battle bike and never let down.

“Billy!” Kimberly shouted as she looked back. “Their gaining on us!”. Billy entered Angel Grove through the park, the parent behind them.

“Kimberly, we need to find Trini and Zack! We need their help!” Billy said as he began riding down town.
Trini took another blow from Rita, sending her crashing into a window from the juice bar, shattering it on impact.

“Have any last words, yellow ranger?“ Rita asked.

“Zordon, can I go now?” Tommy asked watching Trini get beaten by Rita Repulsa.

“Tommy, be careful… and may the power protect you” Zordon said.

“Good luck Tommy” Alpha 5 said.

Tommy put the dragon coin in front of him.


Tommy flipped forward and kicked the staff out of Rita’s hand.

“You!” Rita shouted.

Tommy pulled out his dragon flute. “Isn’t it funny though? You created these powers and your about to get destroyed by them”. Tommy slashed Rita with the blade of his flute, but Rita’s staff appeared in her hands to block the attack.

“You cant beta me that easily,” Rita said as she swung her staff, which Tommy dodged. “The black and yellow rangers didn’t even put up a decent fight”.

Tommy kicked Rita in the jaw sending her reeling and pulled out his blade blaster pointing it at her neck. “What did you do with Jason?” Tommy asked.

“I would tell you, but I don’t want to tell you” said Rita blasting Tommy back with her staff. Tommy raised his dragon flute.

“If your forgetting, I had enough power to destroy the rangers, people who are 50 times stronger than you” Tommy said as he slashed his dragon flute.

Rita blocked it with her staff. “I could beat all six of them and than eat them breakfast. You’d be the fist one”.

Tommy punched Rita in the gut. “You talk to much!”.

“Just because we have much to converse about,” Rita said as she kicked Tommy and he flew into the side of a building. “Especially how the earth will be mine after I wipe out you power brats. With my new army of course”.

“You cant keep our parents brain washed for good!”.

“Why not? Their my shield, or at least they will unlock the shield” Rita said.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Tommy asked as converted his blaster to blade mode and pointed both of his weapons at Rita.

“Take it this way, all the adults are like a power plant to me. Whenever I need it, their life force will be mine. They will shield me with their own power and soon all will be drained, your parents left for dead” Rita said.
“And if we just happen to interfere you will…” Tommy said.

“I will drain you as well! Now get out my way!” Said Rita blasting Tommy causing him to demorph, green surges of lightning running along his body. “Three down, three to go” Rita said, charging up her staff.

Jason hit the ground with a large thud, blood trickling from his nose.

“You ready to give up?” Goldar asked picking him up by his hair and slamming him into a moon palace window.

“Never!” Jason said as he kneed Goldar in the stomach. Goldar dropped him and Jaosn drop kicked him in the chest. He rolled around the fog and felt his hand pick up something. “This is the end Goldar! Its Morphin Time!”. Nothing happened and Jason looked confused. ‘What the hell… Its Morphin Time!”. Still nothing happened.

“Oh, did I forget to tell you that not all power coins in this room are real?” Goldar asked and laughed. Jason disappeared into the fog to continue looking.

Billy and Kimberly hit the ground after Scorpina blasted a flat tire into Billy’s battle bike.

“Scorpina!” Kim shouted as he got out her power bow and Billy got out his power lance.

“Rita, It’s all going as planned” Scorpina said into a communicator. The several adults gathered around the two rangers.

“Stay back!” Billy shouted as the adults made a circle around the rangers and Scorpina appeared in the middle.

“Soon, all of the rangers will be destroyed” Scorpina said as he pulled out her sword.

“Not on my watch!” said Kimberly, shooting an energy arrow at Scorpina.

Rita watched the battle from her staff. She chose a human and began absorbing his energy. Billy noticed that Ernie had collapsed at the battle field.

“What the..” Billy began. He than noticed fumes were coming out of Ernie. “Ernie!!”.

“Yes… Yes… Feed me the power!” Rita yelled as the fumes were absorbed by her staff.

Jason fell back into the fog. He found two more power coins, each one fake.

“Soon, this battle will be over” Goldar said, his sword carried over his head.

Kimberly shot another energy arrow at Scorpina who destroyed it with her sword. Scorpina slashed Kimberly twice and she fell next to Billy, who kneeling down next to Ernie.

“Kim! Ernie isn’t breathing!” Billy said.

“Which means Rita’s plan is going great” Scorpina said.

“he’s using energy forma adults!?” Kimberly asked.

“Yep,” Scorpina said and laughed. “Way more powerful than teenagers”.

“This can’t be!” Billy said as his mom began loosing energy.

Tommy awoke at the battle field and saw Rita absorbing energy. Without thinking, he jumped at Rita, kicking the staff out of her hand.

“You’ve messed with my plans one to many times” said Rita, picking up her staff as a yellow blast suddenly hit her. Tommy looked back and saw Trini, blasting her blade blaster.

“Tommy Get out of here!” Trini said as she jumped forward and blasted Rita again.

“No! Not just yet!” said Tommy holding his power morpher up to the sky and morphed into the green ranger. In a flash of light he went off to Rita’s palace.

Meanwhile, the red ranger could barley fight as he rolled on to his side after getting backhanded by Goldar. He was bleeding, his clothes were ripped, and he was tired as he could ever be. Not only that, but now he’d never have a family to go home to.

“Ready to give up!?” Goldar asked holding his sword up to Jason’s neck.

“I can answer that” A voice said and a white boot with green diamonds on it kicked Goldar in the face and he fell back.

“Green ranger!” Goldar yelled out as he lashed at Tommy who ducked and slashed Goldar with his dragon flute. Tommy helped up Jason.

“You ok?” Tommy asked.

“Yeah,” Jaosn said as he hopped away from a blast sent by Goldar. “My coin is hidden some where in this room”.

“I’ll hold Goldar off” Tommy said pointing his dragon flute at Goldar. Jaosn dived in the fog and his hands went all around he picked up a fake coin and quickly threw it to the side. He than flipped into another thick fog and searched, finding two fake coins. He than rolled forward and picked up a coin.

“Please be it…” Jaosn said as Tommy got kicked back and demoprhed. Jaosn held the coin up in the air.


Jason’s hands and feet were changed into white gloves and boots in blinding white light, red diamonds were on the boots and gloves and in a red flash of lightning his suit appeared following by his helmet.

“Power Sword!” Jaosn said, extending his hand and in a flash of light, his weapon appeared.

“Hey Jase!” Tommy said picking up his power morpher. “Catch!”.

Jaosn caught the coin and the dragon shield appeared on his chest and the dragon flute appeared in his other hand. He hopped forward and slashed Goldar with both weapons followed by a cork screw kick. Goldar fell back.

“That’s it! I’m going back to Earth!” Goldar said disappearing.

“yeah and you won’t make it back here…” Jaosn passed the coin to Tommy and he turned into the green ranger. The two were off in red and green tubes of light.
Back on Earth, Trini, Billy, Zack, and Kim blasted Scorpina back with their blade blasters. Scorpina hit a tree when Goldar appeared, Jaosn and Tommy trailing behind him.

“Lets finish this rangers!” Goldar said as the two evil warriors raised their swords.

“Lets put em together!” Jason said as the rangers raised their weapons.

“Power Axe!” said Zack, converting his axe to cannon mode and throwing it in the air.

“Power Bow!” Kimberly said as she threw her bow up and it landed across the power axe.

“Power Lance!” Billy said as his lance split in half and the tow half’s connected to the power bow.

“Power Daggers!” Trini shouted as she threw her daggers up in the air and they landed next to the power lance’s and connected with the power bow.

“Dragon Flute!” Tommy said as he threw his flute up and it connected to the bottom of the gun barrel of the power axe.

“Power Sword!” Jason aid the blaster came down and he connected his sword above the gun barrel.

“Ready!?” Jason and Zack shouted.

“Aim!” Tommy and Kim Shouted.

“Fire!” Trini and Billy completed as they blasted Goldar and Scorpina causing Scorpina to flee and Goldar to get badly hurt.

“Its time to super size your life!” Goldar said growing to a large size.

“I really got to know who taught him to say that…” Kim said.

“Dragon Zord!” Tommy shouted playing a curtain melody on the dragon flute and the dragon zord arose from the sea. “I call upon the dragon zord in fighting mode!”.

With that, the Mastodon, Saber-Tooth Tiger, and Triceratops dino zords appeared out of lightning and began mixing with the dragon zord, forming the dragon zord in fighting mode. The greed, black, blue, and yellow rangers appeared in the cockpit.

“Show me your worst!” Goldar said as he slashed his sword which got blocked by the mega zords staff. The mega zord than tripped Goldar with his weapon and low kicked him, sending him reeling. Goldar flew toward the mega zord and tried to kick, but the mega zord dodged and slashed Goldar along the chest with his staff. Goldar fell to the ground.

“Is that all that you gut?” Goldar asked as he got up making a fighting stance.

“You had to ask…” Billy said as the mega zord spun his staff around and threw it at Goldar as if it were a boomerang. Goldar flew back and a small explosion happened around him.

“We’ll meet again rangers!” Goldar said disappearing.

The rangers demoprhed and several adults were going powerless.

“My parents!” Billy said as he kneeled next to his parents.
“Billy… Are they ok?” Trini asked.

“I… I don’t know” Billy said as he slowly felt tears running down his cheeks.

“Don’t worry Billy, Rita’s got a big pay back coming her way” Jason said.

“We promise” Zack said.

“She’s going down” Tommy said.

“I wish that were true…” Billy said as he began tearing some more.

“It is” Kim said.

“Guys, I sure hope we have enough to power beta Rita…” Trini said as Tommy felt electricity flow through his body.

“Ah!” said Tommy, pulling out his coin which was being electrocuted as well. “My power coin!”.

“Oh no… Tommy I think you powers are almost completely lost” Jason said as Tommy loomed down at his coin which sparked a bit.

“It’d better not” Tommy said.


“Those worthless rangers,” Rita said walking back in fourth pounding a brain washed human being. “They will son bee out of the picture, “. Rita hit the human in the face with her staff. “Soon…” Rita hit the human in the chest with her staff. “They will be running. Just like everyone else!”. Rita stuck the staff into the human’s stomach.

“They may have been hit hard today, but next time… next time it will be harder…a lot harder”.

Next Time on Power Rangers:

Chad Lee, a 14 year old karate student form Mariner Bay comes to compete in a karate tournament. Rita thinks Chad will make an ecxellent new soldier... will the rangers save him in time?
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