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Old 12/11/14, 06:46 PM   #2
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy

Chapter 2: Legend of the Dinos, Part 2.

"Hyyyaaaa!" Booted feet spin kicked the blue flame away from the group right before it reached them; a warrior dressed in a gray colored suit stood in front of the teenagers. A gray helmet with a white X shaped visor, large shoulder pads covering the neck and shoulders, bracers with a light gray stripe over a darker gray coloring, white gloves and gray boots that were gradient.

"Who is this guy?!" Diane asked in shock, the teens looking in awe as the warrior went to work on the Nokbots, taking them out with kicks, punches, and the occasional throw. When finished, the warrior turned to Cacia, pointing a gloved finger at the monster. "Tell your Emperor that the Earth isn't his for the taking!" "Who in the world are you?" the monster asked. "I am the protector of this planet, The Ghost Ranger! Hya!" Ghost Ranger struck a pose when answering, rushing at Cacia to deliver a flying kick, sending it skidding backwards. "This isn't over, I'll be back!" it said before turning into flames and vanishing. Ghost Ranger slowly turned towards the teenagers, who were backing up slightly when he approached.

"Don't be afraid, I will not hurt you. I'm actually here to ask for your help. Please, come with me and I can show you what I mean." The other looked to Jerome, who nodded. "We'll see what he wants, and if it seems shady, we run." "Fair enough." Ghost Ranger said, vanishing into thin air, the others following suit in amazement and confusion.

"Cacia! Why did you run from that battle? You were supposed to destroy the humans!" K'Turi roared at the monster, who knelt in front of the shrouded Emperor. "Forgive me, general! I was attacked by something called Ghost Ranger, he said he was Earth's protector!" "Ranger? It can't be..The Power was destroyed ages ago.." K'Turi spoke in almost a whisper, glancing towards the monitor. "Regardless, return to the planet and fulfill your mission, or face my wrath!" "Yes, sir!" Cacia said, turning into flames and vanishing.

Back at Crystal Harbor, the teenagers and Ghost Ranger would appear in a garage of sorts filled with all sorts of computer parts, equipment, and a tall woman at a desk typing away before glancing behind her. "Found your recruits, hmm?" She wore glasses and had a mousy appearance, wearing a loose fitting shirt with a smiley face on it and sweat pants. "T.K, its time." spoke Ghost Ranger, the woman nodding and hopping out of her chair to go grab a silver briefcase and bringing it over to the four teens. "I'm T.K, Ghost Rangers assistant in fighting evil. We've been monitoring you for a while you see." "Wait, what? You've been spying on us?" Diane asked in a tone that came off as angry and shocked. "Not spying, monitoring. We've been watching your energy levels, not you personally. My boss here thinks you four are the perfect candidates to become the next in line of Earth's fighting force." T.K opened the briefcase and revealed five colored wrist watches. Ghost would take five of them, handing one to each of the teens. "You will become the warriors who can call on the powers of those who came before you. The powers of the past will become your weapon to fight for our future. You shall be the Legacy Power Rangers." Ghost Ranger said to them, each person putting their watch on.

Zeke's face lit up with a goofy grin. "I KNEW IT! I -knew- the Power Rangers were real! But it's... it's been years since the Samurai Rangers won their battle against Xandred. Why hasn't there been any other teams since then?" Ghost Ranger spoke up to explain, "Most thought the Power vanished from the world after his defeat. The battle drained them and the Morphing Grid was temporarily powered down. However, a new evil has come to your planet; The Tul'Van Empire seeks Earth to bestow it to their leader as part of his collection of planets. As there is a new evil, there must be a new good to balance it. The Grid is powered up once more and ready for a team to fight. Are you four ready?" "Just one question, if I may." Jerome said, clearing his throat. "There are four of us, but five watches. Who is the fifth ranger?" "Sadly, we couldn't find anyone with enough energy for the Green Legacy Morpher." T.K said with a shake of her head. "We've been looking for a while." "Hmm...I may know someone who can." said Zeke, giving the others a look of mischief.

"No." said Ghost Ranger, arms crossed over his chest, looking Spike over, inside his helmet he had a look of annoyance. "Why not? He's a good person, and he has experience with the Samurai team." Diane said, placing a hand on Spike's shoulder. "We could use his help." Spike rubbed the back of his neck. "I know I may be a bit bungling at times, but Uncle Bulk taught me to be a Samurai warrior. I could kick bad guy butt too!" he said with a snorting laugh, the others giving a slight groan at it. "He does have an adequate energy reading. We could give him a test drive, so to speak." T.K held out the Green wrist watch towards him, who took it and put it on. "You get one chance. Any mess ups, and you're out" Ghost Ranger shook his head slightly while he spoke, then turned to face the computer screen as alarms started to go off. "Looks like Cacia is back. We better go." "Good luck, Rangers!" T.K said as she sat back down at the the computer, fingers flying over the keyboard. Once she finished, the new team was teleported to the strip mall, Ghost Ranger clapping a hand onto her shoulder with a nod of thanks before vanishing.

"Hahahahaha! Run you pathetic humans! I'll burn this city to the ground!" Cacia was throwing white and blue fireballs everywhere, people screaming and running in fear. Jerome, Zeke, Vanessa, Diane, and Spike arrived a minute later along with Ghost Ranger, standing in a row with fists clenched. Glancing down to his wrist, Jerome glanced over to their mentor figure. "How do these work?" "Slide your fingers across the face of the watch, and call out Legacy Power, Activate. Everything else will come naturally." With a nod, the leader would say to his friends. "Ready?" "Ready!" they all responded in unison, sliding their fingers across the faces of their watches, and calling out "Legacy Power! Activate!"

The morphers glowed brightly with each Rangers respective color; Jerome sent a powerful kick into the red field, shattering it like glass as his suit covered his body; a gold crown with samurai style shoulder pads, a red belt coming across his black chest area that had red trimming, as well as a gold one with a green buckle across his waist. Red colored bracers similar to Ghost Rangers, The leggings were black with red trim and red boots.

The Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Green suits would look similar but with their respective colors, Zeke throwing a straight punch into his field to shatter it, Diane using a palm thrust, Vanessa giving a Karate style chop, and Spike going for a scissor kick, only to fall flat on his back, the suit still forming onto his body.

"Power Rangers? Impossible!" Cacia said in utter shock, the Rangers now suited up. "Improbable, maybe, but never impossible! Legacy Red!" said Jerome, going into a pose. "Legacy Blue!" "Legacy Pink!" "Legacy Yellow! "Legacy Green!" "Ghost Ranger!" said each ranger, going into their own pose, before calling out as a team; "Powers of the Past to Protect our future! POWER RANGERS LEGACY!" with colored explosions going off behind them as Cacia rushed at them, the Rangers running towards the monster, each letting out a kiyah as they unleashed attacks on the beast, the monster let out out a roar and sent them team flying back to the ground with a large wall of flame.

"You think those wimpy punches are going to beat me? You're pathetic!" Ghost Ranger stood up, speaking. "We should show this guy the power of the Original Dinosaurs!" "How?" asked Diane, standing up, when T.K's voice came through their morphers. "Rangers, listen closely; Your morphers have the ability to tap into the Morphing Grid and access the past Ranger powers and weapons. Spin the hands of your watches to 1:00 and you'll see." "Right!" said the new team, and they spun the hands of their watches so they landed one One O'clock, their bodies glowing as they called out "Legacy Transcendence! It's Morphin Time!" In a brilliant flash of light, the Rangers were now in the Mighty Morphin Dinosaur suits, Red, Blue, Black, Pink and Yellow! Spike looked himself over, confused. "Wait a sec, if I'm green, why am I in the Black Ranger suit?" "Spike! You'll have access to both black and green powers due to teams having one or the other, or sometimes both"Ghost Ranger held up his own watch hidden under a bracer. "I can become any sixth ranger or ally, watch." Spinning the hands so they hit 1:00 as well, a silver energy surrounding his body. "Legacy Transcendence! It's Morphin Time!" When the energy faded, The Ghost Ranger had turned into Mighty Morphin Green!

"Incredible! I feel amazing!" Zeke said as he clenched and unclenched his fists, looking over the others. "We have to act fasts, the Legacy Powers are only available for a brief amount of time. Let's go!" Ghost Ranger brought out the Dragon Dagger and ran forward, slashing as Cacia multiple times. Jerome held his hands out and called "Power Sword!" and the weapon appeared in his hands, blowing red. "Neato!" said Diane, who held out her hands, calling out "Power Bow!" Vanessa and Zeke called out "Power Daggers!" and "Power Lance!" respectively, with Spike holding his hands out and saying "Power Axe!" the weapon materialized in his hands, but he had to look it over, confused. "Wait a sec, its a gun too? So weir-ahhhh!" he ducked a fireball flung his way, standing back up and running at Cacia with a wild swing of his axe, nearly missing. The other four attacked as a team, with Vanessa and Diane attacking from a distance so Jerome and Zeke could attack from melee range. Cacia fell to one knee from the onslaught, growling. "This isn't over yet!" it said, summoning a big fire ball in both hands, it growing in size. "Alright team, put them together and finish it off!" said Ghost Ranger, the others giving a thumbs up before putting their weapons together to form the Power Blaster, firing it at the flame monster, which dropped its fireball and exploded, the Rangers cheering their victory.

"Hmph. They think their victory absolute. We'll show them what we are really capable of! Fire the Revive Laser!" K'Turi ordered, a Nokbot hitting a few buttons; from the ship lasers shot out and hit Cacia, causing him to grow tall. "I'm baaaaack!" it said, throwing a rain of fireballs down on the team, who dove out of the way to safety.

"T.K! Are the Zords ready yet?" Ghost Ranger asked into his Morpher. "No, they aren't finished, you'll have to use the DinoZords from the original team for now!" "Got it. You ready, guys?" "Ready!" Everyone said together, joining hands in a circle as Jerome spoke, "Powers of Legacy, we summon the Dino Megazord and the Dragonzord to aid in this fight!" Their bodies glowed brightly, and soon both the Original Dino Megazord and the Dragonzord appeared to battle, the five rangers jumping high into the air to pilot their robot, as Ghost Ranger put the flute to his mouth, starting to play the notes.

The Dragonzord came to life, its finger tips turning into missiles and firing at the monster who approached them, the missiles slamming into it as the Megazord lumbered forward to deliver a punch. Cacia roared and once more summoned its white and blue fireball from before, making it grow in size and launching it at the Megazord; the robot went down hard, the Rangers grunting as they struggled to get it upright. "Jerome, one more hit like that and we're finished!" said Zeke, pulling on his pilot stick to get the Triceratops foot to move. "Don't worry, we got this! Just have to focus.." said Jerome as he studied the monster, a plan forming in his head. "Hang on, Rangers!" Ghost Ranger called out, playing the flute once more so the Dragonzords tail drill spun, aiming it at Cacia who jumped over it.

The Megazord righted up after a few moments, with Jerome calling out "Mega Power Sword!" the blade falling from the sky and into the ground, the robot pulling it out and turning to face the monster, the arm whirring mechanically as the lightning from the blade hit the monster, but still it stood tall, summoning more fireballs. "Oh no.." said Vanessa in fear, but Diane turned to speak to her "Vanessa, don't be scared. Jerome has an idea." the Red Ranger then had the robot throw the sword, the weapon hitting the monsters arms and canceling out its attack. "Hey Ghost Ranger, these things can combine, right? We can finish it off that way!" "Good idea! Activating Mega Dragonzord! The two robots would combine into one, with all six rangers now in the pilot area, the robot held its arms out, an energy sphere forming and shooting out at Cacia, who fell backwards, exploding into dust.

On the Tul'Van ship, K'Turi bowed to the Emperor, head low. "Forgive me my excellency, Cacias failed to fulfill his mission, but there will be another time. Earth -will- be yours!"

Back at the garage, the Rangers celebrated their first victory, with Ghost Ranger watching them, arms crossed. "You did well today, Rangers, but there will be other threats we must face. Will you heed the call, and stand beside each other as protectors of Earth?" he asked, looking at them each in turn.

"You know it!" Zeke said, giving a thumbs up, Jerome giving a nod, Vanessa smiling while saying "Si." "Our planet needs us, I'm in." said Diane. Everyone looked at Spike curiously, who gulped, "I uh, I wanna help too, just, don't blame me if I step on anyone's foot when Morphing." he gave a snorting laugh, the other groaning, but soon laughing with him. Ghost Ranger began to walk away, with Diane gently grabbing his arm. "Hey, can you at least show us who you really are? We're going to be working together." "No... Not right now at least. Maybe in the future...But not now." then Ghost Ranger vanished into thin air, the others looking at T.K. "He's got some history, give him some time is all, okay?"

The next day at Blue Bay High, Diane was getting a book out of her locker when she noticed a man she hadn't seen before; Brown hair that went down past his ears and a slight beard, wearing a red and black plaid long sleeve over a black t-shirt, dark blue jeans and black shoes. "Hey, Zeke? Whose that guy?" she asked the passing by gamer who had been concentrating on his 3DS. "Hmm? That's Jake, the school loner. He's been here a few days." "School loner?" "He doesn't talk much from what I heard, and he's usually by himself at lunch or free period." "Odd. See you in class, Zeke." Diane shut her locker and walked over to the young man, tapping his locker. He peeked around it at her. "Hi there, I'm Diane Pai. You look a little new, so I wanted to ask if you need help." "Oh. Hi. I..I'm Jake. Nice to meet you, I guess." Jake shut his locker and headed off toward class, with Diane watching him leave in slight disappointment.

-To Be Continued-
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