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Old 05/13/14, 03:32 PM   #35
Shadow Ranger
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Default Re: saban's WORST Series

Let's see...

Masked Rider: Would have been okay, except for the fact that the family was WAAAAAY too sappy and cheerful, and the plots just got too cheesy!

Ninja Turtles: Saban managed to take something I loved as a kid and ruin it! The only good thing about this was Venus (I thought them saying the Turtles weren't really related just so the boys could flirt with Venus and it not be incestuous was a little odd). It was just too cartoony to be live-action, but the PR crossover was fun!

VR Troopers: Actually improved a bit the second season. In the end, it turned out to be another typical Saban series, as Ryan became the "Red Ranger", getting the lion's share of the focus and leaving the others in the lurch.

BeetleBorgs: OH MUH SWEET JEZUZ WEPT!!!! That was the stupidest show I've ever seen!! The plots seem to have been written by chimps, the house of monsters were downright annoying, those little "Barney and Friends" reject kids (As well as the adults that were on the series, including Grandma Mumu) couldn't act their way out of a paper bag, and the whole thing was corny beyond belief! I'm glad that one got cancelled!!

Never seen Tir Na Nog, but the toys have been piled high at the toy store by my house. Maybe they'd pay me to take them off their hands??

As for the other shows mentioned: Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills: A bunch of spoiled, dispicable, pissed-off rich kids who get these special powers by a talking brain and fight monsters on a set that makes Pokemon look photorealistic... I saw it on ET when they were about to start the show, and I saw half of one episode. This was clearly a Power Rangers rip-off, and a badly-done one at that! They should have at least made the kids likeable instead of a bunch of snotty rich b*tches!

Superhuman Samurai SyberSquad... Six Words: Three for a Buck at Kay-Bee!

Anyone seen Saban's version of Sailor Moon?? Go to for more info!!
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