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Old 08/19/07, 09:04 AM   #14
solar gardian rider
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Default solar gardian rangers

chapter 14 projekt battle rangers
natascha2000 became the twin sister of kelly and also and ranger the ultralight ranger she was ready with its body was beautiful distinguish them was of people and I had traffic-jams on my buro battery am ready and look them over this becomes back up team I called them over and gave them their morpher and alarm descended and they passang away and they say fire stone ranger form and became battle rangers them sides saves yellow black blue pink silver brown purple orange green gray battle power rangers and the clones sides fire stone ranger form and them fell back on with their swords katana rapier knight sword and the good rangers fight and hit the head of the clones there finished but then came there back up of the clones could the weapons and beat take away than 12 the rangers sides more shit we need back up the green ranger 2 LEADER radio transmit to hq need help say the green ranger we to be in the disadvantage we has not been possible finish also in a fighting mayby natascha, however, and gives her this code 689934 beta charlie 1 then sends them you extra weapon you battliser morpher by means of teportion suddenly and morpher in you hands were are this for and hears computer voice for voice sampel you says to battliser voice recorded says still to time batlliser the dragon comes there to you you krijg dragon cyber armor the battliser of dinothunder without the stretch arm you speed insted and strength you ran super rapidly on the clones and with the stolen new swords you gone slash and the clones go to explosion and you to see also to explosion for you suddenly also another ranger seem on a zeo ranger but applied for twisted shield black suit and those ranger and sword in hands and zeo staff and the ranger stood between the explosions the ranger belonged to to you you had aid necessary I natascha2000 the ultralight ranger you they have been thanked suddenly came there and big robot then the clones at for appearance lijkte on scorpion and dragon and the battle rangers and ultralight ranger they halt the robot they I am dragion and destroy rangers he fell to and the rangers loss their first fighting against him ranger flew everywhere gone and then they green ranger enough dragon cannons and flamegloves which got he to and on shoulder fire and fired cannon and fire jet dragion was touched and damaged but still funktioneel dragion hiit the morpher on the arm of the green ranger hit the t fire stone and broke to pieces and green ranger demorph at and sjoerd ran away rapidly and say shit ultralight say sjoerd catch cyclone morpher sjoerd catch it back up power source say ultralight ranger put your finger on the disk of your old morpher and 2 sticks came and cyclone morpher separate and pieces permanently each side at the old morpher and a button sjoerd put its finger on the canner and computer say scan complete bio coreckt morphing has been activated and became green ranger mix of mmpr loose galaxy lightspeed and timeforce and activated battliser everything there
fore ultra laser and shot on dragion with ultra laser and those became scrap heap steel telported to the secret ranger lab ende
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