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Old 03/02/15, 09:01 AM   #13
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Super Samurai

Power Rangers Super Samurai Chapter: 13

Lauren can you morph and use your fire smasher.

Yes i can Morphs and uses my fire smasher hitting him hard with it.

*Falls back down*

Is that all you got.

Lauren I was hoping you could use the 5 disk cannon mode that should do it.

I can use that to let's get rid of him once and for all Uses the 5 disc cannon hitting him harder than before.


*Falls blowing up...then he comes back bigger*

Rangers your problem just got bigger.

I got this one...this is personal.

*Em laying there slowly opens her eyes trying to move a little bit weakly reaching for Mike and Serena's hands*

Ok i'm gonna rest a bit.

*Mike grabs her hand*

Clawzord I need you.

*Summons clawzord*

Mega mode power.

*Jumps inside*

*Weakly says*

I'm sorry I just wanted to help.

*Em cries as she slowly tries to hug both Serena & Mike*

*Mike slowly hugs her back*

It's ok, rest please.

So the golden boy thinks he can defeat me all by himself...well get ready for some disappointment.

You can do it I know you can.

He's right you need to rest you used all your energy you can hardly move.

*Hugs her back*

Mike do you need anything.

Some water please.

Your the one getting some disappointment in his future.

*Switches to battle mode west and uses the claws to strike him hard*


*Takes the hit and hits him back with hit from my club*

*Em hugs them back and slowly lays back*

I guess I made you worried or upset when I left I'm sorry.

*Serena goes and gets him some water and brings it back*

Here I have to go check on the kids just rest you did the same for me when I was ill.

Powers down looking at my arms but hides them from everyone.

It's ok, I'm glad your safe.

I had to help.

*Stumbles back*

Ok thats it....your finished now.

*Switches to battle mode east*

Its over for you nighlok.

*Pulls out mega blade*

Double kantana slash.

*Slashes the nighlok*

*Serena goes to clean up and calls Lauren*

Lauren when you get back I need to check you out as well as Antonio.


*Falls blowing up*

Guys I did it....i can finally say it....samurai rangers....thats a samurai win.

*Em soon falls back to sleep*

*Mike stays close*

*Powers down and runs to Lauren*

You ok hun....

*Hugs Lauren*

~Kev looks around for Mia~

Anyone seen Mia?

I'm right here.

Yeah i'm fine Hugs you back trying not to wince in pain from my arms.
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