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Old 07/15/12, 05:38 PM   #1
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 07/15/12
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Default Boss Villain for spinoff series

I'm in the process of writing a 2-part PR series fic, and while i have the villains set up for the first part, i need to somehow link the second part back to MMPR so that it makes sense when i bring Billy back into the picture. I'm torn between 2 major ideas.

1: Evil Zordon = how i'm thinking of doing this is that when he "dies" he isn't completely destroyed, but what's left of him is slowly devoured by evil energy and he becomes one of those villains that has to absorb/feed on energy to stay alive. (I do bring him back to good at the end) As a writer i find the idea exciting, but as a lifelong fan and having grown up with Zordon being an incorruptable beacon of good, i just don't know if i could do that to myself or to other fans on an emotional level.

Option 2: Master Vile: while this doesn't tie in as cleanly, it also doesn't pack such an emotional punch. I'll find a way to bring Master Vile back from oblivion and he will want revenge on all that is good for destroying his family, and after being on "the other side" for so long he's bound to have picked up extra strength from all the other goons that were defeated and/or imprisoned. Once back and fully recovered he would be a much stronger villain than the Master Vile we knew from the first time around. Aquitar and the Aqutan Rangers play a big part in the backstory in part 2, so he would also fit here.

What do you all think? Could you handle an Evil Zordon? Or would Master Vile be a better option?
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