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Old 07/02/20, 11:11 AM   #20
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: What would have happened if Kimberly came back?

Zeo already had a lot of drama in store and the Tommy/Kimberly personally breaking up would just be too much in my opinion. First, Tommy trying to catch up with David and then trying to save him, than there was the Gold Ranger loosing his powers and Jason coming back to replace Trey, followed by Tommy being brainwashed by Gasket and then remembering thanks to the other 4 demorphng in Gasket's arena, than Billy's sudden exit, and finally, Jason's life being in danger because the Gold Ranger powers were too strong for a human body to support them. Zeo basically screwed with Tommy a lot - not only he bacame the Red Ranger, but he bacame the leader once again and that ended up to the character going trough a lot of crap that's happened to him and his friends.

The "Dear John" letter wasn't the best idea of ending a relationship in-series, but it did make a lot of things go a lot smoother and a lot faster than if Kim would come back and do stuff.
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