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Old 07/20/21, 01:49 PM   #5
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Default Re: What if Hasbro gets someone else to produce toku footage?

From what I have seens from Illuminatti ( A YouTuber and insider on PR and a lot of other shows) it sounds like this is all the product of low ratings that basically have made it unwise to keep doing the show as is. Really were lucky the show has continued this long without a serious change. Especially once Disney did actually cancel PR. Saban just cared about the brand and thpught it still has potential. Hasbro does to but they feel that it has to be done a different way.

I will miss having Sentai adaptions though. its not all the show's fault. Since in a lot of ways Nick doesn't promote them as much as their homegrown shows.

It feels like we will deffinitly get an animated series of some sort for kids. And some attempt for a live action show on streaming. Also a new movie franchise of course.

The only thing that makes me nervous is how many times were here stuff like this from major brands with all the same corporate speak..And it all falls through. Its hard to really say what everything will look like. I do think they will keep trying with the brand. They invested too much and their is value there. Power Rangers is still a powerful toy line. I do think we will see a lot of differenr cartoons...Like Hasbro has done with Transformers..
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