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Old 07/11/21, 09:45 AM   #2
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Default Re: Should Power Rangers have comedy characters?

I think comedy characters are fine if done right. Bulk and Skull perfect. Cassidy and Devin were both good. Kapri and Marah sadly initially were not good because there was too much comedy between them and other villains. Boom did awesome. Phineas did awesome and he wasn't even always supposed to be funny. Same with Spencer.
Nothing against the actors but Victor and Monty were beyond awful.
Ben and Betty was definitely a step in the right direction but Jane and J-Borg are just bad

Originally Posted by PRangerX View Post
I feel the NS villains improved greatly once they added Motordrone and Vexacus midseason.

I will say this about Lothor. He is much better then a lot of the villains we have gotten in recent seasons. They all just feel so generic . A harder edged Lothor type villain woukd be a step up.
I agree with you that they improved once Motodrone and Vexacus came around.
That said I wouldn't say they're all generic.

Mesogog just wanted to revert the world to the dino era, he wasn't interested in anything else whereas all Zeltrax wanted was revenge

Gruumm just wanted to get revenge on Cruger but also take over the universe

The Master I believe he just wanted to take over the world however he was sealed away for most of the season

Overdrive, Jungle Fury and RPM villains just wanted to rule

Master Xandred was just a master of doing nothing however he pretty much just wanted to flood the world.

Megaforce - usual take over the world.
Sledge only cared about the Energems
Galvanax only cared about the Stars really. Odius was more interested in power
Evox just wanted the grid
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