Thread: Forever Red 2
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Old 07/19/20, 03:22 AM   #3
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: Forever Red 2

Just came up with another good plot for Forever Red 2 and it's even better in my opinion:

A veteran Ranger (not a Red Ranger (cameo appearance in person only)) comes home after a long night shift but finds out that his/her house where he/she has been living with his/her family is now occupied by strangers who say that they've been living in it for the past 20+ years. The next day, the same veteran Ranger witnesses Power Rangers from past teams dissappear one after another and then re-appearing without any memories of their lives as Rangers. However, the interdimesnional portal technology still seems to work and is used to notify both Scott and Tyler about the situation. As other Ranger dimensions appear unaffected, it's up to the two Reds to recruit AU versions of their Red Ranger friends from the 3 realities (main, RPM's and DC's) to form an elite team to stop what looks like someone's deliberately changing the timeline in order to get what they want - conquer the World before Zordon gets the chance to even choose the very first team of Power Rangers. A rushing clock against who appears to be an invisible enemy - of whose AU version ends up helping the two Reds!

So, what does everyone think? It's a lot more serious, but I think it would deliver everything about the franchise that we love.
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