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Old 07/09/20, 03:49 PM   #4
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: I got an idea for an AU

For me, if I was a fan fic writer, I'd just probably do my own version of the existing continuity. I wouldn't make any huge changes, just some continuity fixes and story changes here and there. But that's as far as I would take the official stuff.

I would rather do an AU story where continuity of another TV show similar to Power Rangers is used with completely new characters but with the mixture of the established mythology from both PR and that other TV show. That would allow for the further building and expansion of the existing PR mythology, while expanding it further, mixing it with the mythology from the other show while bulding on and advancing the same as well. Of course, I'd try to keep the PR concept intact as much as possible.
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