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Old 11/04/18, 06:38 PM   #2
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Default Re: Why let the rangers remain secret?

Originally Posted by Massive Ego View Post
It is a valid question. Same reason why they didn't just send down all the monsters at once every episode....plot convenience.
I think there's a better reason for them not doing so instead of just excusing it away as plot convenience personally I like to think most villains use the Morphin' Grid which is why they have limits on what they can and cannot do.

It was mentioned by Lord Zedd that the grid is maintained due to the struggle between him and Zordon but I think it's more to do with the good vs. evil struggle that maintains it and might help both sides in some situations.

Due to Rita choosing Tommy as her evil Green Ranger and there was only 1 of him I like to think that the grid gave him more power since he was fighting 5 Rangers which would explain why he lost that extra power once he turned good.

Yes Rita and Zedd could've sent down multiple monsters at once but any time they tried that they were much weaker than the original monster they came from which is why I believe the grid was taking away their energy to even the playing field.

However it had issues with evening the field with Tommy when Zordon and Alpha gave him the new White Ranger powers since they had been created from the Light of Goodness

Originally Posted by Miki1988 View Post
That means if, for example, Carter (LR Red) and Alyssa (WF White) met in a mixed company of people where just some know the true identities of both, the two would have to be very careful what to talk about. That means carefully choosing conversation topics and leading the conversations in a neat way.
that'd be interesting to see.
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