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Old 04/30/18, 10:39 AM   #7
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: White Ranger in Zeo

That's right. They would also have to rely on the old footage, keep editing it differently into the episodes and also Robert Axelrod would still have to do new ADR dialogue to make the footage even work. Same goes for the voice actors of Rita's and Zedd's henchmen. In which case, it would have meant it's better to film new footage anyway and that would have meant for them having to re-make the suits for Rito, Scorpina, Goldar, Squat and Baboo since most of those were already at the end of their days anyway. I actually believe that Scorpina's suit was unusable by the start of MMPR S3.

If Turbo were to happen with Rita & Zedd, I would imagine the henchmen being defeated by the Turbo Rangers early in the season so new ones could be introduced anyway. Which would probably end up as Porto and Elgar serving under Zedd & Rita. Plus The Tengas would be retired since they were going to use the Piranhatrons, because they were in the Turbo Movie anyway (well, the movie version of them).
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