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Old 04/13/18, 06:21 AM   #11
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: Rumored Rangers That MIGHT be returning next year

My opinion on the whole union thing is that Saban just to needs to make a list of union actors that CAN and union actors that CAN'T come back and just stick to it. The rest could either come back or not as it's completely their choice. Now I don't know how many PR cast members are union, but I think this would make things a bit easier for both the production and the old and newer fans.

It's a shame they couldn't get Erin back, but it's understandable since she has to follow ad respect certain rules. Jen is my favorite character from TF, but why have another Ranger be there and not be able to take their helmet off, right?
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