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Old 03/24/18, 06:50 AM   #2
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 08/30/17
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Default Re: More Zyu Footage

Zyu2 did a great job in keeping MMPR going beyond it's planned 40 episode run. Would have loved a bit more of course, seeing more Rangers with the Dragon Shield and giving the original Zords a better send off. But we all know Saban won't spend money if he doesn't have too.

i can see why they went with Kibaranger for the White Ranger as it has an emblem on the chest that at least resembles the power coins, so it fit well enough thematically and kept Tommy fans happy.

I do think in season 3 new helmets should have been redesigned at least, again i guess it's a simple fact of money they'd rather not spend but by season 3 so much was US footage (Zords aside) that a few new helmets couldn't have added to much to production costs.
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