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Old 02/18/18, 03:39 PM   #7
Goldar's Revenge
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Default Re: What are the names of Tommy and Kim's children?

Tommy graduated from high school in 1997. DinoThunder takes place in 2004. So if we assume Tommy was 18 in Turbo. He would have been 25 in DT. Even if you say he was 19 in Turbo, he would have been 26 in DinoThunder.

JDF was much older than Tommy in MMPR. While its a stretch to say he was playing a 14 year old. That kind of disbelief happens in high school theme shows all the time. And we know Tommy grsduated in Turbo after four years. Frank was 20 years old during MMPR season 1. So in theory is six years older than Tommy. In DinoThunder JDF was 31. He was boring in 1973 and is currently 44. Tommy should be 38 by now.

I still agree Tommy and Kira ending up together would have still be weird. Even if Kira would be 32 currently. Just the fwct she was once his student and protege would scientist seem odd. I can believe Kira had a crush on him at one point! But Tommy had no sjch romantic feelings.

Kira and Trent would make a good couple. Credit for them should go to the production staff. Since Disney wasn't comfortable with their relwtisonhip and ordered it stopped.
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