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Old 01/31/18, 01:27 PM   #3
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Default Re: Lothor in Ninja Steel

Originally Posted by White Tiger Fan View Post
Actually the credit for the reams ups in Wild Force all goes to Amit. FR wouldn't have happened if he didn't convince Disney to get it done. And he also put a lot of love into Time Force/Wild Force.
that it does but I don't think it was all Amit's doing since he was just the writer for the episode it was Tzachor who had to approve everything since he was the on-set Boss but they didn't have the idea to use the B-Fighter and B-Fighter Kabuto suits as the villains that was Koichi's idea. Yes he did with the TF/WF teamup but we don't know how much of it was his idea since originally he wanted to use the Org suits from the Gaoranger movie but that wasn't possible since the suits were destroyed in a fire.

Originally Posted by KimandTommy View Post
I think JDF should get the credit for "Forever Red". He made the team up special. Without him it wouldn't have worked.
don't be delusional it wasn't just JDF it was a multitude of people JDF can't do a single episode on his own he's not a writer or Director.

Originally Posted by Disney Ranger View Post
I have a hard time believing that Disney would be against team ups. I think they just realized they were better served as only being once in awhile. Which Saban Brands now knows too. They were smart to take a page out of Disney's playbook. If only the produced the show exactly like Disney.
that's because you're delusional there's a reason why teamups ended after Once a Ranger because Disney didn't want to pay for them and the crew had to promise to no more teamups if they had agreed to the Overdrive teamup. Saban Brands only avoids teamups (except in special cases) because they prefer to hire out the North American-based actors which are more expensive on top of which if they went back to seasonal teamups meaning saying Ninja Steel teaming up with Dino Charge the footage would have to be all original meaning it would be extra expensive due to the need to fly out most of the cast.
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