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Old 01/23/18, 12:32 PM   #5
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Default Re: Rene Naufahu Charged for Sex Crimes

Originally Posted by PRangerX View Post
Not to discount the seriousness of what Medina and now Naufahu has done, but I don't think this will hurt PR in the end. Both of their crimes didn't have anything to do with the series or their time in it. And both are long gone from the series. Rene's case didn't even seem to get the publicity here Medina did.

Now of you have a string of actors continuinally get in trouble, things may be different. But we haven't had too many of these incidents. And none have taken place on the set or anything to do with Power Rangers.

Saban Brands had nothing to do with any of this. And can only try and do good background checks on its future employees. Which wouldn't have helped in tthe above situations since both were long gone.
Miki does have a slight point but it really doesn't matter what other cast members do since it's not going to hurt the franchise sure the fans may say "Samurai" is cursed but that's just life and at least it wasn't any of the actual Rangers.

Yes Rene's didn't get the same publicity that Ricky's did here but that's because they're both different. Rene was just a Mentor in Samurai and he was just a suited villain in S.P.D. whereas Medina was an actual Ranger. Most people aren't going to know about Gruumm or Ji but if you say a Power Ranger murdered or killed someone then it'll create publicity just by the mentioning of the famed role it doesn't matter if they were MMPR, Zeo, Turbo, Space, Time Force, Dino Thunder, Mystic or RPM all you have to say is that a Power Ranger murdered/killed someone and that's enough to generate press.

You are correct about your other points though. Saban can only do so much with background checks and at least we haven't had any issues come up while their shows were in-production.
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