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Old 01/12/18, 11:52 PM   #2
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Default Re: Season 3 Ninja Suits Theory.

Originally Posted by Miki1988 View Post
I actually read somewhere that the cast has been filming season 2 and and MMPR:TM back-to-back and also season 3. They needed a break. They were constantly divided between Australia and America in order to get everything done and once S2 and the movie were done, they were busy filming MMPR S3.

For example, in the S2 episode "The Wedding, Part III", the Rangers are all present in the Command Center scene when Billy restores Alpha back to normal and Tommy says a line, but we never actually see JDF delivering the line on screen. I think we only seen Amy Jo doing a reaction to what is being said.
Everything in "The Wedding" and "Return of the Green Ranger" was shot in Australia except for base and lair scenes. The majority of the Command Center and School scenes were stock footage even some Palace scenes was stock footage basically if it's outside then it's probably new footage with them being in Australia. They never went back to the U.S. until after they had completed the production of the movie.
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