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Old 12/09/17, 01:19 AM   #1
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: Did Kim write the note for Tommy's own good?

Kim did the right thing. I also was not fond of how she broke up with him, but it's not like he had the option to leave the team and go to wherever she was and be with her.

She did break his heart, but she probably met someone else and was in an uncomfortable position. I've seen people break up because of someone else (like a third person) being in the game. It's not pretty. But she wanted him to know because she cared about him. She didn't want to be called a cheater or even something worse that is not to be mentioned on a board.

Plus she had a secret identity as a Power Ranger (provided that her coach did not know about her being a Ranger). So she couldn't use that as an argument to stay with Tommy. So by letting him go, she spared herself a lot of problems. Plus she became a known athletic and if someone from the media would find out about her and Tommy's Power Ranger stuff, it'd change her and the Rangers' lives for the worse. And that was the exact same reason why Cassidy and Devin turned over their tape to Tommy in "Thunder Struck, Part II". It would make a mess of Tommy's life and also, primarily Conner's, Kira's, Ethan's and Trent's lives.
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