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Old 11/18/17, 10:46 PM   #10
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Default Re: Saban Brands could learn from Viz

Yes Sentai Fanatic that I do agree with that Sentai Is Forever did an excellent job with getting Sentai fans a forum for them to discuss and debate in but no Fate he isn't 1 of the Sentai Fan founders on here that would be Envy who founded your group but he did cross the line with spamming but he'll be back once his ban is up.

That's hilarious Sentai Rules that you think you're above the rules and us Admins (PRangerX and me) and the only one who made the mistake in regards with Tzachor and his firing was Tzachor himself. He was needlessly wasting money just to copy-and-paste Sentai stuff and Saban is against that. No one is going to convince him to spend money like that not even Toei and on top of which Toei isn't going to get involved with it since they don't care as long as it still uses their footage but what Saban decides to do with it in Power Rangers is their own business and it's not up to us to tell him on how to spend their money it's not our money to waste

Saban isn't going to give up the rights of Power Rangers and as long as that remains in place there's no chance of anyone else dubbing Sentai besides you have Sentai subs of Zyuranger, Dairanger, Kakuranger, Ohranger, Carranger and Megaranger so you already have an option to watch Sentai sure it's not U.S. actors doing the voice over but it's still the same thing for the most part or is it you really don't care that much about Sentai because it's in another language that you can't understand and you don't feel like reading the subs?

Incorrect Maligore viz spends a ton of money on retaining the original soundtrack that stuff ain't cheap.
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