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Old 05/13/17, 06:23 PM   #5
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Default Re: Should they do evil Green Ranger Movie next Movie Spoilers

Originally Posted by DanKnight1221 View Post
I agree, I get Lionsgate felt it was their chance at their own cinematic universe. But while the movie was good I think it is clear they over estimated how hard it was going to be for most to get past a show with a reputation of being a kids show with silly monsters and low budget effects, to take an attempt to do a grounded big budget more mature reboot.

Yeah, I think it worked but people had to watch it first to see it worked. Most heard the name, I think they assumed it was a silly kids show. I think Power Rangers reputation worked against them.
That seems to have been there goal. Looks like they are going to have to pump the breaks on that idea for now. If we even get a sequel.

It seems silly since we have seen kids franchises get big screen reboots for general audiences before. Transformers being the most successful. Also superheroes were once thought to be for kids. But the stigma seems to have hurt the movie's ability to connect with teens and adults.

I do think they needed to do a better job with the movie promotion. After the first teaser trailer, there wasn't enough to promote that this was a Power Rangers for a general audience. I do think it would have been hard to overcome the whole stigma. Since it seems so strong for whatever reason.

If nothing else, perhaps the existence of this movie will at least help to show that Power Rangers can be treated like a general superhero franchise. Even if it wasn't a big hit this time.
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