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Old 04/02/17, 01:11 PM   #3
Goldar's Revenge
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers movie Spoiler thread

My big problem with the movie was the fact it took them most of the film to learn how to morph. So most of the morphed action was at the end of the film. The story and the characterization was very good.

But the lack of Power Rangers formula brought things down. The entire third act of the film comes off like they suddenly remembered this was a Power Rangers Movie and had to rush all the morphed battles in.

We don't even get much time with the Rangers fighting in costume before they are in the zords. The lack of an actual Megazord Sequence also hurt. But the big thing is that the suits and zords were so poorly designed as was Goldar. The Krispy Kreme stuff also got silly.

Banks was good as Rita but we didn't get enough of her. I also feel the whole backstory of having her be a former Green Ranger turned bad is the cheap way out. But Banks performance made up for that.

All in all the movie was still a lot better than I thought it was. It was a good movie thar ironically suffered because of the way they handled "the Power Rangers Stuff". So in that sense it isn't a very good Power Rangers Movie. Which is interesting with it being a good movie.
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