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Old 01/22/17, 12:52 PM   #2
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Default Re: Power Rangers Ninja Steel: Episode 01 - "Return of the Prism"

I thought it was a pretty interesting beginning. We got some good character moments and a good introduction to the Ninja Steel plot. Plus it left you wanting more. I admire their ability to get so much in since they only had 20 minutes or so without commericals. I like the sword in the stone type plot with the Rangers being able to get the stones out of the star. The idea of Brody being captured was interesting and makes you feel for the character. It also makes him a good underdog against the villains. I really like Sara and the new Blue Ranger. They already have good chemistry as friends. The new Bulk and Skull characters should be fine.

I did think things were a bit jarring. I mean Brody was captured for like ten years and seemed to be pretty well adjusted. And he suddenly escapes with his friends when the monsters conviently return the Earth. Plus it was pretty rushed how he meets the others and the quickly become Rangers. Friends who didn't seem as shocked as you would think. Especially when the concept of Power Rangers seemed foriegn to them. The villains are the real weakness so far. Just too generic and don't stand out. PR seems to work best with humanoid villains and not ones requiring VAs.
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