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Old 11/14/16, 12:51 PM   #2
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 07/07/11
Posts: 8
Default Re: What if the MMPR Rangers stayed through Zeo

This is actually very interesting, to answer your question I think it would have been billy. Like they could do the Zeo quest and each of them find their respective crystals, and billy finds out for whatever reason he can't bond with his crystal and release the power for whatever reason and steps down.

Although I see the MMPR with the original team switching over to zeo not because their powers are destroyed as MMPR but they need a stronger power because it's best matched with the type of evil they are facing. I can't see Jason as reckless as Tommy getting the powers destroyed. I always thought that Zeo might have been enjoyable with Jason as red, Kim Pink, Trini Yellow. (Zack/Billy vs Rocky/Adam could have gone either way).

I know character vise Tanya was better due to her development versus Trini. However I always wished they explored Trini more. Plus with staying on an extra 2.5 seasons she most likely would have gotten the proper focus she deserved
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