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Old 05/31/10, 12:39 AM   #9
Kamen Rider Dragoon
Ranger In Training
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Join Date: 03/23/10
Location: i live were the wind takes me.
Posts: 88

Philip frowned as Kio told his story. "This is indeed troubling. And it seems that someone has made use of drivers for their own evil purposes."

" there anyway you can figure out who is behind all this?"

"I am affraid i have a clue already. years ago, shotaro and i faught against a strange dopant with unbelievable powers. The clash of our striength and his caused our gaia memories to scatter and he fell silent for all these years. My only guess is that he needed to recover from that battle and raise an army."

"Damn it. We have to find him before more innocent people are hurt...or worse."

Philip placed a strong hand on Kio's shoulder. "Dont worry...i have faith in all of you riders. You are indeed worthy to carry the title Kamen Rider. I am also very proud that a person with such a kind heart like yourself has control of fang...use him well."

"I promise...i will make sure we all come out of this alive and hopefull put an end to the dopants once and for all." At that comment philip laughed. "Whats so funny?"

"you sound like half-boiled."

[CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]When all else fails....
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