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Old 05/25/10, 07:36 PM   #3
Kamen Rider Dragoon
Ranger In Training
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Join Date: 03/23/10
Location: i live were the wind takes me.
Posts: 88

Kio blinked and pulled out the Joker memory from the case. "I dont know...but i have always wanted to see this memory. this was the main memory for Kamen rider! I think these might be needed in the future...i just wish i could utilize this memory. Well maybe someday. As for the gadgets think about it...we have dangerous opponents coming our way and these might be usefull. And...i think we may need to take the trial memory to Kamen rider Accel at the police station."

Kio kept looking over the joker memory. Ever since he first saw kamen rider double he always wondered what it looked like up close. It did look like a normal memory but it must have also been very powerfull to handle soo much power from Philip when he and shotaro henshin.
[CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]When all else fails....
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