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Old 05/25/10, 12:39 AM   #7
Kamen Rider Dragoon
Ranger In Training
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Join Date: 03/23/10
Location: i live were the wind takes me.
Posts: 88

well alright. lets start off with the new memory wich attatches to the driver in front of the fang memory.

Form name: Heaven Fang

Memory name: Tengu - A bird like gaia memory wich flies about. It attatches itself on the driver. when attatched it looks like an open wing wich faces to Fang's left.


Powers: Fang tengu has the ability to move at increased speeds, granted not as fast as accel's trial but still fast. Also when falling from high places, the tengu memory allows for a slower decent, almost as if the user was flying but not true flight. Although the levitation helps when dodging enimy attacks adding to the hight of the jump and the distance...even jumping backwards gives the appearance of floating

Attacks: to utilize the user taps the tengu memory either one, two, or three times just like with the original times needed for attacks.

one tap heaven katana - A golden katana appears to be used as a weapon. This has a memory break called Halo slash, again a single tap of tengu's wing. The user creates a ring and then slices diaganly through it.

two taps Lightning fist - Moving at increadible speeds allows the user to utilize this memory break technique, the blades on one arm grow and start glowing, giving off golden bolts of electricity. upon hitting the target, a burst of energy shoots from the target in the direction the fist was going.

three taps Tengu Rising - A kick technique. Jumping in the air, all the blades on the arms and legs glow and create larger energy forms of themselves, creating the ilusion that the blades had actualy extended. The user's arms are extended outwards as if he had wings. With both feet glowing, and facing the target (picture kiva emperor form wake-up fever) the rider hits the target. Afterwards there is an explosion and the rider stands there, hand on the ground and croutching.

Memory vehicle: Stalios - A a gold and white mechanical horse (picture Wolzardo's horse). It has three modes. One is land wich moves like a normal horse. Second is water, basicaly the horse's legs fold under and the tail acts as a propellor. Final is sky were the hoovs are engulfed in gold flames allowing the horse to "run" in the air. All forms are fast, just like a normal motorcycle. Stalios can be summoned by the kabuto phone by dialing in its name and pressing call.
[CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]When all else fails....

Last edited by Kamen Rider Dragoon; 05/30/10 at 12:58 PM. Reason: this works better for the image...a photoshop i did
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