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Old 05/24/10, 05:48 PM   #14
Power Ranger
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Join Date: 07/17/09
Posts: 156

Are you still talking? Here, watch, I'll dissect everything you say (this'll be fun! ):

Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade View Post
Because if you are going to make a comparison have the common decency to know what the fuck you are talking about. Otherwise you prove yourself to be a useless twit and I don't respect people who are useless twits and people I don't respect get treated like the garbage they are.
And I don't respect anyone who resorts to foul language and childish name-calling to make whatever point they think they have. Also, because I'm not the one who made the comparison, if there is a point buried somewhere in that confused mess of a rant it is of no consequence to me.

And since you're so keen on freedom of speech, here's another American ideal for you: Use a flyswatter where a flyswatter is an appropriate weapon. Not a sledgehammer.

You're the one freaking out over three word sentences. You're acting like a jerk and I have no problem calling you out on that.

Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade View Post
If you want similar to the Japanese version then fucking watch the Japanese version. Power Rangers is supposed to be an adaptation of Sentai not a translation of it with new actors. If you want a translation with new actors you are a sad excuse for a Power Rangers fan.
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Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade View Post

Correction what works in one country may not work in another country. Time Force was pretty much a copy and paste with modifications and it worked in the USA.
Then by your own argument that makes you a sad excuse for a Power Rangers fan (personally, I find it emmensely amusing you even bother making a distinction). If it may work, then why did you freak out on Ignis for asking for a show more akin to the sentai?
Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade View Post

This ain't a fight, this is me expressing my dislike for you.
Thanks for letting me know I got your goat.
Originally Posted by Kamen rider Decade
No matter how subtle it still have a moral of the day plot and they have no value other than trying to force feed someone elses morals down your throat. When someone tries to force their morals upon another nothing they do has any value whatsoever except their death.
Okay, I'm going to explain this again. This time through example. So let's take an analytical view at Earthsea. Shall we?

Ged is a young blacksmith who wants to be a sorceror. Eventually, Ged manages to land a place in a school for sorcerory, makes several friends and one irritating rival. So Ged, in an act of anger and pride, casts a spell he shouldn't, inadvertantly unleashing a gibbish, a nightmarish spectre which posseses the living and feeds on their essence. Now that it's loose, the gibbish wants nothing more to do then find the all-powerful wizard who summoned him, consume him, and take his power. Ged sets out to destroy the gibbish, but in his mission he is sidetracked on a quest to mend the Amulet of Peace.

So, had Ged never conjured the gibbish, he never would've mended the amulet, and never would've ended the reign of a dictator. So Earthsea is about coming to terms with yourself, correcting your own mistakes, and doing one better than that. It's good storytelling with a good message which is still hugely entertaining. That's why Earthsea is a great piece of literature, which became an excellent movie, and Power Rangers is a crappy show designed to hawk Bandai's Sentai toys to American kids. This is what I'm talking about, not moral of the day.

Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade View Post
You need to improve on your comedy skills because you suck.

You being a useless twit justifies that.
You can tell the soap-opera crack is a joke because soaps don't cause physical pain (just the therapy thereafter).

And since I'm such a twit, here's an old proverb I'd like to share. It goes something like:

Never argue with a fool.
They'll drag you down to their level,
then beat you with experience.

If I'm the fool in this, I have the advantage. So thanks. Thank you very much.
Originally Posted by Kamen Rider Decade View Post
They are not heroes to be looked up to they are people to be ridiculed, mutilated, tortured, and killed.
Hercules murdered his own family, Beowulf can be viewed as being as much a monster as anything he fought, and Jessie James is considered by many to have been a hero. People's view as to what a hero is have always been a bit skewed. If you don't like it, take it up with a higher power.

P.S., thanks for trying to force feed me your morals.

Last edited by TokuNoob; 05/24/10 at 06:08 PM.
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