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Old 10/17/16, 12:44 AM   #5
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Default Re: Power Rangers footage we will unfortunately never see

Originally Posted by PRangerX View Post
All these aren't filmed scenes right?
not all of them but some of them are. Ones that I know for sure were definitely filmed are as follows:

Obviously we know there's another pilot out there that's more graphic violence-wise.

We also know that most Zyu2 monsters have had Giant battles.

We also know that Patricia shot an episode when she was the Pink Galaxy Ranger.

We do know there are movie scenes that were removed from the final airing so they were indeed shot.

The Megazord stomping down on the Chillers is Boukenger footage so that was definitely available but Disney wouldn't have permitted that.

I don't know how much of the original "Doomsday" ending was truly shot but probably not much of it was.

There were additional scenes for Countdown to Destruction that were deleted but exactly how much was deleted is unknown.

Erin Simms did shoot footage as the first Maya even to the point that a lot of the scenes that she had shot were pretty much done in an identical take when Cerina Vicent took over. How long did it go before Erin was replaced? I don't know.

I don't know if Shayla's previous actress had shot any episodes.

The Jungle Blaster scene was filmed but it was deleted.

They did indeed shoot 2 different scenes one of Eric dying and one of him just surviving the attack just on the off chance that Fox Kids would actually allow the death but they were expecting them to not allow it.
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