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Old 06/04/01, 07:47 PM   #3
Comic Relief
Join Date: 08/18/11
Posts: 33
Default Re: Did anyone like Lightspeed Rescue?

I may be repeating myself but ...
Lightspeed uses the "Power Rangers" name so I have every right to compare it with the past.
After 3 years of American footage going back to Sentai heavy action seems like a step backwards. They also did this in Zeo.
As for Rhett Fisher for a specific example see him on Ryan's destiny in the scene with father that was BAD acting.
Chad again in the 2 episodes with Marina - he just couldn't handle the whole "love" thing well and messed up those episodes.
Dana annoyed me cause she was always getting beaten up and needed "big strong" Carter to rescue her. NONE of the other pink rangers were like this.
The suits were the worst I've seen. If you dig that "motorcycle helmet" look then good for you however I thought they were terrible.
The storys were weak. Compare for Example The Titanium saga with the likes of Green with Evil and the Kat episodes.
The Fate of Lightspeed was a predicatable clone of Journey's end.
The writers had no shame - a cheap ending to a cheap season.
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