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Old 04/25/10, 11:59 PM   #6
Ranger In Training
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Join Date: 02/05/10
Posts: 88

Drake kcked his bike into overdrive booking for yuuji

"where are you,where are you?"

his wheels on fire from how fast he was going he kept following the kabuto phone until it came to where it last saw yuuji and turned back into a phone drake grabbed it as it fell only to find the weather dopant no where in sight just a crowd off people walking one of the people saw him

"look kamen rider is back" the people crowded around him

"thank you but have you seen a white monster wearing a gold gauntlet?"

the people began to tell him of their sighting but from he could tell he was gone

"damn it"

he pulled out the sparrow disk lost gave him and threw it up into the air flying torwards it master
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