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Old 03/18/16, 10:14 PM   #8
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

The Rangers were still fighting off Rita's monsters, and had even succeeded in destroying a few. But the battles where starting to wear on them. Zack cried out "I don't know how much more of this we can take". Jason tried to assure him "We can do this we just have to keep going".

At the Command Center Tommy was starting to surge with electricity. Alpha got a machine, and scanned Tommy. Alpha explained "His entire body is becoming electrically charged". Zordon explained "It seems when Tommy absorbed the energy from the chest it caused a flux in the Morphing Grid. Hurry give Tommy his coin, and the overload effect should wear off".

Alpha gave Tommy his coin, and the electricity went into his coin, and Tommy woke up. Tommy asked "Oh man what happened?" Zordon explained "When you touched the chest containing the Power Coins you absorbed large amounts of energy. The excess energy it seems has completely reenergized your coin".

Tommy asked "Where's everyone else?". Zordon explained "They're in the darkest depths of Rita's dimensional prison trying to rescue the Zords but I fear they don't have much time". Tommy said "Well all right then I'm outta here". Tommy called out "Dragon", and jumped into the portal.
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