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Old 03/18/16, 10:05 PM   #2
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Zordon explained "Rangers I hoped I would never have to explain but that little boy who defeated you is known as Thrax, and he is the son of Rita Repulsa, and Lord Zedd". The Rangers gasped. Kimberly asked "What?". Zack agreed "Rita, and Zedd have a son?".

Zordon explained "Had a son but he died 10,000,000 years ago. Behold the Viewing Globe, and I reveal how this tragic cycle of darkness got started". The Rangers turned as Zordon showed images of a man in his late 20's wearing green medieval clothes standing happily with a woman of the same age in a white dress.

Zordon explained "Once Rita Repulsa was kind, and benevolent sorceress, and Zedd was once the most noble, and brave of my Rangers, and eventually they fell in love, and got married, and had a son named Thrax, and for 10 short wondrous years all was right for them, and the universe".

Zordon continued "But Thrax was mischevious, and liked to break Dinosaur eggs for fun, and eventually he was caught by a mother Tyrannosaurus, and chased off a cliff". Zordon showed them Thrax's demise, and the Rangers had a hard time watching Thrax fall.

Zrodon continued "Zedd, and Rita were stricken with grief, and asked me if I knew of a way to bring Thrax back". Billy asked "So what happened?". Zordon explained "I told them what I told you when you accidentally killed Fang the imp".

Zordon continued "I told them that all life perishes, and that life will always continue. They said they didn't want platitudes but answers, and results. I explained that it was not my place to meddle with the balance of life, and death. Zedd, and Rita lost faith in me, and the universe, and in search of way to resurrect Thrax, turned their backs on good, and embraced evil".

Zack asked "I don't get it how is some 10,000,000 year old dead 10 year old able to whupp our butts". Zordon explained "It seems somewhere in the dark galaxies Lord Zedd has found the means to return Thrax from the land of the dead".
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