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Old 03/18/16, 10:04 PM   #10
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Meanwhile at Rita's palace Rita ordered "Are you finished with the vortex beam, and the hypno gas yet Finster?". Finster replied "Yes oh horrible one we just have to land the palace on Earth, and expose everyone to the gas, and they will be your slaves".

Finster continued "Then the vortex beam will transport every human in Angel Grove to the Dark Dimension forever". Rita said "Well pack your bags everyone we're going to Earth". Squatt said "Oh boy should I bring my bathing suit?".

Then once again the buildings in Downtown Angel Grove started coming loose, and once again crowded together as Rita's palace once again came down to Earth. At the Command Center Alpha once again panicked "Aye ye ye Rita's palace is once again entering Earth's atmosphere".

Alpha continued "If she lands her powers will be even greater". Zordon explained "This is worse than I feared we can only hope she hasn't found the secret of Cyclopsis the Warzord". Rita's palace landed, and Rita, and her minions came out.

Rita mocked "Hello citizens of Angel Grove I thought I'd crash your little Power Ranger party, and rain on it a bit". Then tubes came out of the base of the palace, and sprayed a dark purple mist. Everyone in Angel Grove park breathed in the mist, and became hypnotized.

Then one by one every person in Angel Grove disappeared in beams of light. Rita cackled "Now everyone in Angel Grove is my prisoner, and not even the Power Rangers can stop me". Rita then said "Now to cast my spell of misery, and bring back Cyclopsis".
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