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Old 03/18/16, 10:01 PM   #6
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At her palace Rita was chanting "Rasha Masha Shambra Oh ancient spirits of evil give me a way to destroy the Rangers once, and for all". Then Rita's skull started glowing, and shot a beam into her crystal ball. Squatt asked "What is it Rita?".

Rita explained "It's the secret location of Cyclopsis the Warzord". Goldar asked "Really?". Babboo added "We haven't seen that Zord in 10,000,000 years". Rita continued "It says we have to banish everyone in Angel Grove to the Dark Dimension, then feed all their negative energy to Cyclopsis, and we'll be unstoppable. Goldar agreed "That's brilliant my queen".

All of a sudden a boy with white hair wearing white clothes appeared. The boy jumped around Rita's palace as Scorpina tried to slash him with her sword but the boy kept jumping around. Rita aimed her scepter, and Goldar, and Scorpina aimed their swords but the Boy said "Hi mom".

Goldar said "Mom?" Babboo said "Is it true?", and Finster said "I didn't know you had son my horribleness" Rita explained "I did I mean I do but I lost him 10,000,000 years ago after". Rita interrupted herself to say "Well that's all in the past wait till your father hears the good news Thrax".

Thrax said "Oh don't worry mom he already knows. He's the one who helped bring me back". Rita was ecstatic "You mean he's coming home?". Thrax nodded, and said "Yeah he just needs some help summoning him again but he wants to help us destroy the Rangers, and Earth one last time too".

Rita was even more enjoyed "That's splendid I was just about to go to Earth to trap everyone in Angel Grove in the Dark Dimension, and resurrect the Warzord Cyclopsis. And now that you, and your father are back it's just gonna get worse for the Rangers from here".
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