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Old 03/18/16, 10:00 PM   #3
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Millennia then explained "That's not entirely true Rangers. Hurry give Jason the green Power Coin". Tommy said "Right, and gave Jason the coin, and the Dragon Shield, and Dragon Dagger went to Jason". Millennia explained "There's still enough power for Jason to have the Dragon Shield, and Dagger as well as the Dragonzord but not enough for Tommy to become the Green Ranger anymore".

Jason said "All right bro let's get you to the Command Center". Tommy agreed "All right let's do it". Then all the Rangers teleported in, and Tommy almost fell into Nemo. Nemo cried "What happened Tommy?".

Zordon explained "Tommy has used most of his powers to release Millennia from the Island of Illusion, and gave the rest to Jason to prevent Rita from having them". Tommy started glowing brighter as he asked "Zordon what's happening".

Zordon explained "Without your powers you're the energy holding your suit together is dissipating". Then Tommy unmorphed, and Jason asked "Are you okay bro?". Tommy answered "Yeah". Nemo then asked "Why did you do it Tommy?".

Tommy explained "Because I wanted you to see this. Hey Millennia". Then Millennia appeared in the Command Center, and Quagmire, and Nemo ran up to her, and hugged her. Nemo cried out "Mommy", and Quagmire added "Aye I thought I'd wait all my life, and never again see my beloved wife".

Tommy said "Hey I've already blew up a gazzilion monsters. I never gave a kid his mother back before". Zordon said "You have fought gallantly to defend light, and good from darkness, and evil. Your courage, and sacrifice will not be forgotten".

Jason agreed "Yeah man all this proves is that powers or no powers you're still a Ranger, and that's all that matters". Tommy said "Thanks I guess somewhere along the way I realized power is cool, and all but helping others is what matters".

At her palace Rita was furious. She yelled "No, No, This can't be. They destroyed my beautiful hideous Cyclops, and when I finally got my hands on the Green Ranger powers again that fool had to go, and free that cursed Millennia". Then she kicked her globe, and shouted "One of you Zandozans get me an asprin. I've got such a headache".
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