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Old 03/18/16, 09:49 PM   #326
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

At her palace Rita was ecstatic. She yelled "Yes I've got it this time I have the perfect plan to destroy those pesky Rangers once, and for all". Rita ordered "Goldar do you have the candle?". Goldar appeared holding a green candle in his hands.

Goldar explained "Yes your evil one. I have the green candle made from magic wax from the Gamma Tri system just like you asked". Rita said "Perfect I want you to send a swarm of Super Putties to kidnap Tommy, and take him to the Dark Dimension".

Rita continued "Once there put Tommy's coin on the candle, and I will cast a spell linking his coin with the candle then I want you to light the candle. Then when the candle burns out completely I can steal the Green Rangers powers".

Rita continued "Then he'll be forced to work for me again or lose his powers forever". Then Rita laughed maniacally. Goldar complied "It shall be done my queen. Soon the Green Ranger will have to join us again or be destroyed like the others".

Rita then got out a map along with a miniature version of her scepter, and said "Now I just need to find a good place, and time to ambush Tommy so we can steal his coin, and trap him in the Dark Dimension while he watches helplessly as the candle drains his powers".

Rita placed the map on a table, and the miniature scepter on the map. Then the scepter went to a spot on the map, and started glowing. Rita was ecstatic. She said "So he'll be in Angel Grove park after school it says. That's perfect".
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