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Old 03/11/16, 11:46 PM   #266
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Nemo cried out "Okay Rita I'll help you open the barrier, and get the eggs but don't hurt Marina". Marina cried out "But Nemo remember what you said about the eggs". Nemo replied "I know but I don't want you to get hurt".

Rita bragged "I knew you would see it my way". Then she called out "Squatt, Babbo, Goldar take this little brat to get me the eggs. Goldar complied "We'll have the eggs before you know it my mistress". Babboo called out "Okay you little twerp you're coming with us", and they teleported off with Nemo.

Jason said "Green Ranger you go after them we'll stay, and help Marina". Tommy agreed "Right", and teleported off. Then Rita said "Chunky Chicken let the girl go", and Chunky Chicken completely cut the thread, and let Marina fall.
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