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Old 03/11/16, 11:46 PM   #264
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

But just then Squatt, Babbo, and Goldar showed up, and grabbed Nemo, and Marina. Marina called out "Hey you big bullies let us go". Goldar bragged "I don't think so. What can you do to stop us?" Then Goldar, Squatt, and Baboo were hit by laser.

Tommy then called out "You heard the little girl". Kimberly agreed "Yeah let them go you creeps". Goldar called out "Super Putties get them". A swarm a Super Putties appeared, and the Rangers, and the Super Putties started punching, and kicking each other.

While this was going on Squatt, and Babboo took Marina, and teleported off. Nemo cried out "Marina". Kimberly cried out "On no they got Marina". Jason called out "Come on you guys let's go after them". The other Rangers agreed "Right", and they all teleported off.
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