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Old 03/11/16, 11:41 PM   #262
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Then Zordon showed the chest washing up on a beach, and explained "Eventually the chest floated through what you humans call the Bermuda Triangle, and were warped to the magical forest where Quagmire, and his people agreed to watch over the eggs in a special barrier that could only be opened by children".

Zack called out "So that's why Rita wanted Marina, and Quagmire". Zordon agreed "Yes however" then he showed images of Nemo, and Marina wandering around the magical forest. Zordon explained "Right now Marina, and Nemo are safe in the magical forest but it's only a matter of time before Rita finds them, and forces them to get the Dinosaur eggs for her".

Jason called out "Okay guys let's do this. It's Morphin Time". Then the Rangers all called out "Dragon", "Mastodon", "Pterodactyl", "Triceratops", "Saber Tooth Tiger", Tyrannosaurus". Then the six Rangers teleported off.
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