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Old 02/15/16, 03:17 PM   #115
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Zack asked "So what happened how come Tommy attacked us?", and Kimberly asked "And what happened to Zordon?". Alpha lowered his head, and said "Rangers I'm sorry to say this but when Tommy trashed the Command Center he also banished Zordon back to his time warp without any way to reach him".

Trini gasped "Oh no". Alpha further explained "As for Tommy well you see a long time ago the original Green Ranger turned to evil, and started working with Rita to destroy the other Rangers". He continued "Eventually he became just as if not more powerful, and evil than Rita herself".

Billy asked "What happened?" Alpha explained "Eventually the other Rangers were able to defeat him, and he disappeared." He continued "But before that happened he, and Rita cast a spell on the Green Ranger powers so that whoever became the new Green Ranger would be just as evil as the old one".
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