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Old 02/13/16, 04:08 PM   #5
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

The Rangers were still confused. Zack said “Wait Tommy’s a Power Ranger? Quagmire has a kid? Zordon knows him, and can get out of his time warp?”

Zack then asked “Zordon is their something you’re not telling us”. Zordon laid his head done, and remorsefully said “Rangers there are things about the past that must remain buried”. Trini retorted “But Zordon”.

Just then Squatt, Babboo, Goldar, and an army of putties appeared. Squatt cried out “All right that shrimp found the new Green Ranger”. Babboo said “Now we can destroy the Rangers once and for all”. Goldar ordered “Attack”.

Kimberly cried out “Great now Rita, and her goons”. Zordon ordered Rangers stop Goldar, and the Putties while me, and Quagmire try to stop Tommy, and Nemo”. The Rangers weren’t sure what was going on but they knew they had to stop the Putties, and Goldar.
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