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Old 02/11/16, 12:17 AM   #10
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

All the kids gasped, and Carl made his first wish “I wish for all the burgers, pizza, and tacos I can eat” he shouted joyfully. The genie simply said “Granted”, and snapped his fingers. Then a puff of smoke came, and when it disappeared there was a pile of pizza, burgers, and tacos around Carl.

Carl cried tears of joy, and said “This is the happiest day of my life”. Jimmy said “All right who’s next how about Sandy, and Burt?” the two geeky kids went up to the genie, and Sandy said “I want every video game ever made”.

Burt chimed in “I want every comic book ever made”. The genie said “Granted”, and with another smoke cloud Sandy was standing in a pile of video games, and Burt was standing in a pile of comic books.

“Who’s next? How about Cassie?” Bobby said. The girl in the baseball cap said “I want a magic carpet”. “Done” the Genie said, and he made a carpet appear, and when Cassie got on it it started floating, and started flying Cassie all over Angel Grove.
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