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Old 02/02/16, 01:27 AM   #3
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

As soon as the Rangers regrouped Quagmire then reappeared, and said apologetically "Oh you're not Rita's minions I see. That was most unwise of me". Then Zack asked "Can you help us? You see we're the Power Rangers, and our mentor Zordon told us that there was a cave with some weapons we need".

As soon as he heard this he said excitedly "Well if you're Rangers brave then sure I'll take you to this cave". And just like that Quagmire teleported himself, and the Rangers to the cave where the weapons were. The Rangers were ecstatic "All right" Trini beamed. Zack agreed "This will be easy bo breezy".

But just like that Rita, her minions, and the once again human sized Minotaur appeared, and Rita taunted "That what you think. But I'm not letting you get them if it's the last thing I do". Then Rita fired energy bolts from her scepter but the Rangers, and Quagmire jumped out of the way.

"Oh man what do we do?" Zack asked nervously. Jason could only think of one thing "We're just going to have rush it, and avoid Rita's lasers". The Rangers proceed to split up while still running towards the altar while Rita kept firing lasers, and complaining "Hold still you Power Pests".

Eventually the Rangers however were able to reach the weapons, and Kimberly cheered "All right we did it". Jason agreed then ordered "Back to action", and the Rangers once again morphed, and teleported back outside the cave.
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