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Old 02/02/16, 01:26 AM   #2
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Soon the Rangers saw that they were surrounded by Putties. Jason told Billy, and Trini "You two lead them away, and try to spread them out." Trini agreed "Right", and Billy followed "Affirmative", and the two ran off while the Putties chased them.

Jason, Zack, and Kimberly fought the remaining Putties. Jason then told them "Form a human chain". Jason then grabbed Zack who then grabbed Kimberly, and the three knocked out the Putties.

Meanwhile Billy, and Trini were by a cliff Billy then told Trini "Lets split up you go that way". Trini agreed "Right", and Billy went by the cliff being chased by Putties. The Putties chased Billy all the way up the cliff while Trini warned "Careful Billy you're too high" but the Putties were pushing him towards the edge.

Trini was watching, and realized only she could help "I'm scarred but I can do this. I don't want to do this but I have to" as she climbed up the cliff. And despite her fear of heights she made it all the way up. When she made she called out the Putties "Hey dirtbags. Come get some". The Putties then ran after her, and Billy but Trini, and Billy got out of the way, and the Putties threw themselves off the cliff".
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