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Old 01/26/16, 03:36 AM   #10
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Then the Tyrannosaurus, and the Giant charged at each other but then the Giant slashed his sword at the Tyrannosaurus while the other Rangers watched on the ground. But Billy had an Idea.

“Wait I’ve got” he proclaimed he then looked inside the spaceship, and politely asked the astronauts “Hey excuse me but could you guys set your controls for maximum overdrive”. The astronauts shrugged “Sure if you guys can get us out of here”.

Zack was skeptical “But what about the astronauts?”. Kimberly assured him “Don’t worry I’ll get them” as she grabbed the miniaturized astronauts, and landed them safely on the ground.

Then the Rangers aimed the empty shuttle at the giant, and Billy asked “Hey Jason try grabbing the Giant”. Jason saw what was going on, and agreed “Got ya I’m on it” As the Tyrannosaurus grabbed the Giant. Then the Rangers fired the shuttle at the Giant which didn’t destroy him but allowed Jason to get the upper hand.

While at the Command Center Alpha was working on a device when Zordon inquired “Alpha is the Molecular Restablizer ready?” Alpha answered “Just about. There it’s ready.” Zordon replied good now teleport it to the Rangers”. Then Alpha hit some more buttons, and teleported the device away.

Back at the fight the Tyrannosaurus started tail whipping the Giant. “Time to chill this dude out” Jason quipped as he hit some switches on his control panel which caused the Tyrannosaurus to let out a sonic attack which reduced the Giant to dust.

Then the Molecular Restablizer appeared in Billy’s hands as a message from Zordon cried out “Rangers use this device to restore the astronauts”. “Affirmative Zordon” Billy complied as he used the device on the astronauts to proper size.
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