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Old 01/26/16, 01:36 AM   #5
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Finster then gladly informed her “Thanks my queen. I’ve set the Monster Matic for full power” as he put Bones on a tray, and loaded him into the Monster Matic. Finster then cranked some wheels, and pulled some levers as he gloated “The Power Rangers will be helpless against him”.

Then the Monster Matic roared to life as it started making Bones while Rita worried “What’s taking so long he’s going to be overcooked”. Then an explosion came out of the Monster Matic, and a yellow skeleton with black, and red cape with matching hat appeared, took off his own head, and, and said “I am Bones. How may I serve you?”.

Finster started stroking his beard “Perhaps I should have put it on low?”. Rita then ordered her minions “All right salad brains it’s time to launch the time device. And I don’t want any mistakes I want the Power Rangers gone”.

“Whenever you’re ready to launch” Babboo assured her “Yes”. Rita demanded.” Babboo then informed “All right I just have to push this lever” The blue pig like creature worried “Ooh I hope he knows what he’s doing”. Then Babboo flicked a switch, and gladly proclaimed “And fire”.

Then the miniaturized shuttle roared back to life, and flew all the way from the moon back to Earth. Rita then turned to her telescope, and angrily wondered “Where is that thing? I cant wait to trap those Power geeks in my time warp”. Then she saw it in Angel Grove, and gladly said “There it is”.
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