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Old 01/26/16, 12:32 AM   #2
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

In her palace Rita was looking at the new Rangers as they were walking around the desert outside the command center, and cheerfully exclaimed “Get the putties it’s time” then she aimed her scepter at the Earth, and said forcefully “Take That”. Then Rita fired another energy beam which hit the ground next to the Rangers as Putties started surrounding them.

“Watch out” Jason warned his friends while Trini asked “What was that?” then the Putties started surrounding the five teens, and Zack warned “Lookout”. Then the Putties grabbed Kimberly by the arms, and Jason cried out “Zack”. Zack then assured him “Don’t worry these two are mine”.

Then Zack distracted the Putties with some hip hop moves before he, Jason, and Trini started punching Putties. Then a Putty came after Billy who put his glasses away but two more Putties grabbed him. Kimberly then did a flip, and kicked off a Putty, and tried to kick another one but it didn’t work.

Then Zack kicked some more Putties while Billy tried to evade his Putties, and got them to bump into each other but they grabbed, and threw him. Then the Putties threw Kimberly, then Zack, then Trini, and finally Jason

Kimberly bemoaned “This day is too weird”. Trini asked panicking “What do we do?” Jason responded with the only thing he knew “Zordon said that these would give us power so let’s use them”. Then they raised their Morphers out in front of themselves.
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